'No. He is my boyfriend.' I shrugged.

'What is a boyfriend?' He looked at me with genuine curiosity and pushed aside his bowl.

'It's like a lover but we are not engaged.'

'Why not?'

'Geez, give me a break! You sound like my parents.' I laughed awkwardly. 'It just never came up, I guess.'

'So he hasn't placed a claim on you yet?'

'You phrased it really weirdly but no, he hasn't placed a claim on me yet.'

'I see.' He said and a fiendish smile appeared on his lips. 'Why did you look so upset after talking with him?'

So he noticed...

'Because...' I sighed. 'It's complicated. We rarely get to see each other and when we do, we always meet at my place. He got upset when I told him that you would be there too.'

'He was shouting with you.' He searched my eyes.

'His job is very stressful and he is under a lot of pressure lately. But he always apologises and sends me flowers or a small gift. He is a good man...' I looked past Nobunaga's shoulder. I couldn't stand his sharp gaze. I felt exposed and uncomfortable.

'Why are you so interested in my love life all of a sudden?'

'These modern entanglements between people fascinate me. For example, I've recently learned about this thing called friends with benefits. What is your opinion on it?' He leaned forward and rested his chin on his knuckles.

I got embarrassed. I had to change the subject. 'Oh, I just remembered. I wanted to watch the Star wars movies with you.'


'No time to explain! Let's go home.' I pulled on his arm.

Back home, I pushed Nobunaga down on the couch and turned on the TV.

'We'll watch the original trilogy.' The nerd inside me was hyperventilating already.

'Hold on, woman! What are you talking about? What is Star wars?' He looked a tad bit concerned.

'You'll see in a minute. But first...' I stormed out to the kitchen and raided the cupboard.

'Snacks!' I brought bags of crisps, popcorn and other snacks.

'Brace yourself 'cause this is gonna blow your tiny little mind!' I started the movie and when I heard the opening theme I got goose bumps on my arms.

'Those are the demons from my pants!' He pointed at the storm troopers. 'So they are soldiers...'

'That's the black one!' He grabbed my hand when Darth Vader entered the scene.

I kept glancing over to him. Does he like it? Please, like it! He was totally immersed. I was relieved. I would have been crushed if he didn't like Star wars.

We watched in complete silence, only the munching could be heard.

'Amazing! Marvelous!' He looked so thrilled. He was so cute I wanted hug and squeeze him.

'Next one?' I was already searching for The Empire strikes back.

'Bring it on! I want more!' He jumped to his feet. 'I can feel the blood pumping in my veins!'

'Okay, okay. Here we go.' I pushed the play button and he slumped right back next to me.

He lied down and laid his head on my lap. To my surprise, I didn't feel weird or uncomfortable. Actually, it was quite the contrary. It was cosy and intimate. I even dared playing with his gorgeous, gorgeous hair and he didn't seem to mind.

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