"I don't even know if I should ask what that means." I said with a sweat drop as our teacher snagged a miyama stag beetle with white eyes from a nearby tree. Kurahashi being the insect lover she is ran over to inspect the specimen immediately, disheartening Okajima. I felt bad, but the sight of an octopus dressed as a stag beetle and his student dancing on top of a pile of adult magazines was too weird to not just stare at it.

Once the giant stag beetle realized that he was caught in the act he fell to the floor in embarrassment. After a bit of talking we realized that the stag beetle we found was worth hundreds of thousands of yen! Kurahashi offered it to whichever one of us could catch her before running off with the bug in her hands. "Hey, get back here!" I yelled and ran off after her. I almost caught up too her, but she took a sharp turn before I could get my hands on her. "I'll get you Kurahashi!" I yelled as we both laughed. "We'll see about that!"

I smirked and held my hand out to her again. I stopped running and looked up into the trees with a wide smile. "I guess that means I win?" I said as she looked around herself, shocked to find that I had used my powers to trap her in a literal cage of ice up in the trees. "That's not fair! You used your powers!" She exclaimed and I shrugged. "You never said I couldn't use them." I said as she hung her head low and sighed because she knew I was right. "Fine. It's yours." She said and I finally let the ice melt and fall to the ground, making a puddle on the floor.

Kurahashi screamed as she fell from the sky, the puddle morphing into a pile of snow for her to safely land in. I held out a hand to her once she hit the pile. "Need some help?" I asked and she nodded before taking my hand. I pulled her up as she thanked me for the help. "No problem, now I think you owe me a stag beetle?" I suggested, and just as she was about to hand it over...

Maehara ran by us and stole it! As he ran off he laughed maniacally. "I believe this belongs to me now!" He yelled. "Maehara!" We both said in unison as the others caught up to us and we all ran after him. "Give it up, Maehara! You'll can't outrun us forever!" Sugino started. "You'll never take me alive!"

Over the next couple days before our break in Okinawa we were hard at work during our gym classes, training to go up against our teacher. Irina tried to relax instead of work, but then her instructor Lovro showed up to help us train and her attitude shifted drastically. I laughed a little at her as I walked over to Karasuma with an anti-sensei BB gun in hand. "Mr. K?" I started and my teacher turned to me with a hum. "May I take apart this BB gun so I could get a better look at how it works for a bit?" I asked and he shrugged. "I don't see why not." He said as Lovro turned to me.

"Learning all there is to know about your target as well as your weapons is a good advantage on your part. I'm impressed." He said and I smiled softly. "Thank you sir. If you'll excuse me then I should get to work." I said before walking off towards the stairs leading to our campus building. I sat on those steps and took apart the gun before replicating the formation of the gun with my powers. After a little while I made an ice BB gun and loaded in with anti-sensei BBS.

I then stood and aimed for one of the nearest targets. "Let's see if this works..." I muttered as I fired. It didn't hit the direct center, but it hit close enough. "So it works? Perfect." I said to myself with a bright smile as Nagisa walked over to me after watching my display. As he congratulated me on the successful test we didn't notice Karasuma and Lovro having a little chat nearby.

~Lovro's POV~

So she really does have powers. I remember Karasuma saying something about it before, but I didn't think he was being completely truthful. The fact that she could easily replicate a gun out of ice like that is almost enough to make me want to take her on as one of my own students. "Karasuma." I began as Karasuma looked away from hid pupils to me. "Kenda Kai, she has some of the best potential out of all of my students. What do you think? Will she be of use Lovro?" He replied as if he knew what I had already been thinking. "Yes, she has a lot of potential. If we were under different circumstances I would ask her to become my apprentice. She'll be of great use here." I said and Karasuma nodded in agreement.

"... Though there is something a little off about her." I said and Karasuma raised an eyebrow at me. "What exactly do you mean by that?" He asked and I placed a finger to my chin in thought. "Her outer appearance and demeanor seems to be normal, almost childish even, but for some reason I feel bloodlust practically radiating off of her body. Has she ever shown any unusual behavior for a girl of her age group?"

"Uh, I can't recall anything right at the moment. Why?" He seemed to grow concerned for her. I was hesitant to respond. "Well, this is just a thought, but..." I started. "I think that girl's bloodlust is secretly out of control, and it needs to contained fast, or else it might get ugly..." I warned which surprised the teacher before me.

"I see. Since she's so young and would have a hard time controlling it is the only explanation, that must be why you asked about her age groups behaviors." He said and I nodded. "Maybe we should tell that octopus before things get out of hand?" I suggested as the girl in question walked up with her little blue haired friend.

They asked me about the world's greatest assassin before I could continue any conversation with Karasuma. Too bad, I guess we'll just have to see how this plays out for now.

~Kai's POV~

After having a little chat with Lovro, Nagisa and I learned a new technique from him. It was actually quite interesting to learn from a pro like him.

Just like that our island adventures began. We were all on a boat on our way to Okinawa just taking in the view of the water. Kurahashi tried to attack Koro-sensei since he got sick on the ride there, but he was still too quick to get. I stood by one of the railings as my sweater blew slightly in the wind. Karma tried pushing me softly to scare me into thinking I'd fall over, causing me to chase him more than once around the ship's deck. Though in the end I was interrupted by the horn of the ship blaring to tell us that we had reached Okinawa.

After a little break to settle in and drink a little, though I denied the drink since I wasn't thirsty, we quickly went off into our own seperate groups to put together an assassination attempt. My group took to the ocean and we changed into our swimsuits, I used mine from school because I had no other one and personally I liked it since it suited my needs.

We watched another group fly around in the air after Koro-sensei while trying to shoot him. Everyone else started putting on their snorkeling gear to get ready for our attempt, but before Karma put his gear on he kissed my cheek. I blushed and looked at him. "Karma-Kun... What was that for?" I asked and he ruffled my hair. "It's for good luck Princess." He said as he got his gear on and jumped into the water with the rest of my group. I smiled to myself and made an air bubble in the water for myself so I could run through the water with ease as well as without getting very wet.

By the end of the day we were eating dinner on the boat we were on earlier. Koro-sensei looked like he had been burnt to a crisp with how dark his tan had gotten throughout the day. Since it was freaking everyone out he decided to molt, but he forgot the disadvantage it brought him until afterwards. I giggled at him and helped the others serve him his food for the night. Once we were off of the boat you could easily tell that he had gotten sea sick again. Right as we were about to go off towards the location for our main assassination attempt, Karma stopped me and pulled me off to the side.

"Come with my group, we have an idea and you just so happen to be the perfect fit for this plan." He said and I nodded, quickly following after him towards a speed boat.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! By the way I added a firefly as the bug that Kai discovers in the forest because I've read in a couple places that fireflies actually kick off the summer season in Japan. They signal the end of spring and the start of summer so I thought it suited this chapter because summer vacation for E-Class has just started. Anyways I'll cya next chapter~

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now