The Dark Web

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The internet. A place full of wonderful things, horrible things. I loved the internet. During school, all I would think about was what website I would discover when I got home after school. While I was eating, I would rush to finish my meal so I could get back to surfing the web. When I was asleep, I would dream of the internet. My entire life revolved around the internet. My grades were amazing, I had friends, but I was an internet addict. One day, though, I was scrolling through Facebook when I felt a feeling that I had never felt before while surfing the web: boredom. I was horrified at the thought that now, after years and years of coding and hacking, the internet was boring. Coding was boring, hacking was boring, social media was boring, everything was boring! I went out the day after this revelation to have coffee with a few of my friends. They knew how obsessed with the internet I was, so they were shocked when I told them that it bored me. A few of them suggested that I was depressed, but one of them told me that I just needed something new. I asked him what he meant, and he explained about the Dark Web. He told me that it was a place for all illegal activities of all types. Drugs, weapons, killer-for-hires, and livestreams. I asked how to get on it, and he gave me written instructions on a piece of paper. I looked over it, and realized it would be quite easy for me, since I had experience with hacking and coding. He warned me of hackers that would try to disable my computer, but I figured I wouldn’t have any trouble with them since I am a highly advanced hacker myself and my computer was well protected. That night, when I went home, I sat in my computer chair, covered my camera and smiled, excited to revive my love for the internet. I set the paper with instructions beside me, and within a few minutes, I had accessed the Dark Web. I clicked through, quickly falling into my old routine of surfing the net. I found so many interesting things! A doll maker who made dolls out of real human cadavers. A site for a cult leader named Farmer Dan. A link that led to a page worshiping various Gods and Goddesses of death. A site with instructions on how to hire a hitman. A page with various spells and summoning rituals. A place to buy drugs and weapons. It was amazing! But, I didn’t see any links for what I wanted most: a livestream. Just as I thought that I would never find a livestream, a chat bubble popped up. Hello. I don’t recognize your IP address. Are you new? What’s your name? I’m Set. It read. I hesitated, thinking that this is one of those hackers that my friend warned me about, but decided to answer it. My name is… I hesitated, not wanting to give out my real name. My name is Chaos. I am new, thank you for asking. Are you named after the Egyptian God of chaos? My chat partner quickly responded. Yes. I’m impressed; not many people understand the name. Is there anything I can help you find, Chaos? I went to type no, but then stopped. I wanted a livestream. I needed to fulfill this morbid curiosity that had developed as I surfed the Dark Web. Yes, can you by any chance find me a livestream, Set? He-I had assumed that he was a man- sent me a link that I clicked on. My screen suddenly went black. I panicked, thinking that Sett was actually trying to hack me, but then I saw the chat log in the bottom left corner and I relaxed. I read through the comments, reading things like “I love your shows” and “Let’s get started”. I watched as the comments slowed, and eventually stopped. I went to type something, but the chat would not work for me. A voice filled my ears.
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show. Today we have quite a treat. Two siblings, one 16 year old girl and one 12 year old boy. Admin1, what would you like us to do?”
Admin1 typed cut out the girl’s eyes. I watched in amazement as the man on screen picked up a spoon and a pair of scissors. He walked towards the girl and used the spoon to scoop out one of her chocolate brown eyes. Her screams filled my ears as he cut the optic nerve. Blood poured out of her empty eye socket, making it look as if she was crying blood. He repeated the steps on her other eye, tears of blood pouring down both of her cheeks. Cut out her tongue, Admin1 typed. The man smiled and replaced the spoon and scissors with a scalpel. I watched as the man used the scalpel to rip out the girl’s tongue. The boy sobbed and screamed at the man to stop, begged him and pleaded for mercy, but the man ignored him and continued sawing out the girl’s tongue. Her screams were cut short at Admin1 typed Now slit her throat and move on to the boy. Do the same thing to him. I watched as the boy was tortured then killed, and the livestream was over. The box disappeared, and I smiled at the fact that I had found my entertainment in the internet again. The chat with Set was the only thing on my screen. So? He typed. What’d you think, Chaos? I replied I loved it! Were you there watching, Sett? It was amazingly gruesome. I pictured him smiling as I read his next text. I was Admin1, Chaos. I’m glad you enjoyed my show. People usually do. I know this is so wrong, but I felt as if I had made a new friend in Set. He was a murderer by association, but he was so civil and kind and welcoming with me that he seemed to be my friend. A video chat popped up on my screen. The name said it was Set video chatting me. I was shocked to see the face of my friend who had introduced me to the Dark Web pop up. I knew you would like this, Rose. I figured that one day you would be bored of the normal web. I just had to bide my time and wait. I enjoy adding new friends to my family. Now, you are my daughter, Chaos. It’s ironic that you would choose that name, honestly, because you know, I am named after the God of chaos. Welcome to the family, Chaos. He smiled, and added me to a group chat titled “Family chat.” There were 10 other people in the group, including Set. Kids, say hello to your new sister, Chaos. Multiple people replied hello, and I typed a hello back. We got to talking, and I realized that they were quite interesting people. Chances are that we will never meet in real life, but we’re family now, virtually and realistically. I would die for these people, I really would.

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