Chapter Nine: Problems

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~Amelia's POV~

I looked over my calendar, checking if there was anything important to be done today. The only thing was a picnic that my friends had planned for a fine Saturday around noon. The only problem was the rain. It had come it at around midnight last night and had yet to stop almost ten hours later.

Two months had passed since our first day of school. I quickly adapted to the college life. Keeping my things for class in order, studying as needed, doing all my homework, along with eating three times a day, showering, and of course working. Riley had offered to get me a job where she worked, but that conversation went a little something like this:

"Sho Amelia, did jou get a job yet?" Riley asked me, her mouth full of the sandwich she had brought for lunch.

"Uh well.. Kinda? I've applied to a bunch of places in the shopping center. I think Trader Joe's has some potential... But they haven't called me back yet sooo."

"Well ja know," she swallowed," Hot Topic always seems to have openings.. If you need a jo- Ow! Ro, what was that for?"

"Oh.. sorry babe. There was a mosquito." She said, pretending to brush a bug from Riley's bare and obviously bug free thigh. She looked Riley dead in the eye, and gave a stern look.

Riley nodded slightly, understanding what her girlfriend meant and accident relaying the message to me.

'That's cool,' I thought to myself,' It makes sense for her wanting me away from Riley a little bit.'

"No no," I shook my head almost a little too fast,"that's alright. I've got Pet Smart... And and the one that sells all the LSU stuff."

"Alright..." Riley muttered.

That had been the end of that idea. It still baffled me how different Rosie was from the rest of them. Rosie refused to catch my eye and her only conversion with me was of single word comments and some occasional sarcasm. The rest of them learned to put up with me quite quickly. Ashton, Levi, Jo, and of course Riley all seemed to consider me as a close friend. I was already quite fond of all them as well. But Rosie, however, was another story. She never wanted me around, she didn't have to speak this I could see it in her eyes when I walked up. Her expression would go from happy- almost giddy with laughter- to hard, they were cold, her entire body would become rigid, and suddenly our friends jokes weren't funny enough to give her even a small smile.


"What's her problem?" I asked Johanna that day. We were searching for a place to have our picnic, but we were in need of a grassy area that wasn't soaked from the just ended onslaught of rain. We had sent the boys in a different direction to look for one. Rosie and Riley were off in their own little world looking closer to the campus dorms while Jo and I searched by car, a little farther out.

"Whose problem?" She responded.

"Rosie's," I nodded my head in the direction of where we had left them laughing together like to little kids.

"She looked fine to me," Jo replied, I knew she was aware of what I meant, she was just reluctant to admit it.

"Yeah, well then why does she constantly refuse to speak to me?"

"I have no idea."

"Mhmm, sure," I replied sarcastically.

"Well I can't read her mind... We're only roommates-"

"And best friends."

"Well she doesn't tell me everything. That's Riley."


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