Chapter Seven: Lights Out

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~Amelia's POV~

After seeing Riley off on her date with 'the family' I walked off to Jo's room. I found her nursing a hangover that almost make me feel bad for her

But not quite.

"Jo you knew this would happen," I said, pouring her a glass of cold water.

"Yeh... But that's not what I was thinking about when the cute boy handed me a second cup."

"Boy?" I asked my eyebrows perking up.

"Put those things down," she said pointing at my forehead as she tipped the water down her throat. "Ahh... Yeah I like dudes too."

"You sure?" I teased crawling onto her bed and sprawling out next to her.

"Oh definitely." She said with a laugh,"and you?"

"I mean... I was always taught boys were better.. So for a while they were. But around high school I think- I mean maybe I was just being a rebellious little shit. But I thought girls were waaayyyy better then."

"And now?"

"Now... It's pretty equal."

She nodded,"It doesn't really affect my judgement honestly. That's why I'm pan as hell. Like who cares what's in your pants? Tell me your pronouns. And let's get on with it."

I smiled,"That's not a bad ideology on it."

"I've got a brain that works sometimes,"she said with a wink as she shifted and rested her head on my stomach,"my other proffered ideal to preach at people is platonic cuddles." she yawned and curled more into me.

"Agreed..." I said, even though I was stiff. I tried to get more comfortable but my breathing couldn't quite become regulated.

I was so busy focussing on getting into a normal breathing  pattern I almost didn't notice when there was a loud knock- or bang really- on the door. Jo jumped up off of me with a small groan and swung the door open.

"Hey Ash," she said and stepped back so he could come in.

"Sup guys?" He said walking in casually and sitting down on Rosie's bed.

"Cuddling- very gay things that you wouldn't understand."

"Oh shut up," he replied rolling over to face the wall.

"I'm only kidding bro."

"Hey uh, guys?" I said as I noticed that Levi wasn't with him,"where's Levi?"

"Well he woke up and threw up all over MY bed, so I left him in our buddy's room to sleep it off... And hopefully not ruin any more of my things. Yeah ha, he cant handle his liquor"

"I can tell," I responded as I say up and crossed my arms,"but you left him... Like alone?"

"Nah nah, I'm not heartless. The guy is there, he's playing some weird RPG with his girlfriend."

"So you're 'friend' is having a nice day with his girlfriend,"Jo started," and you make him babysit your other hung over friend and ruin his date."

"I mean not really-"

"How so?"

"Well they get really into... Like they may not notice if he does throw up."

"That's not helping your case!" I said, completely shocked by Ashton's complete disregard of common courtesy.

Jo jumped up and I followed suit,"Where's his room?" She yelled back to Ashton as she stomped out of the room with me in tow.

"Next door to Levi and I actually."

"So 314 or 316?"

"Oh sorry, 317 I meant-"

"Yeah yeah yeah," she said slamming the button to the elevator in.

"Jo why are you so mad anyway- he's fine!" Ash said, joining us at a much leisurely pace.

"I guess you didn't wake up to Rosie giving you a speech about how you could die if you vomit and choke on it, but I got three throughout the morning... Whilst trying to stop a headache. Which, if you were not aware, not ingredients needed for the good mood pie I would have liked to bake today."

The only response to her spiel was the elevator dinging and the doors shifting open slowly. She then walked with such a brisk pace Ashton had to jog and catch up to us.


"Thanks again for keeping an eye on him for a bit, sorry for the burden." Jo told Ashton's poor friends who, instead of playing video games and having a grand ol' time, ended up nursing on a sick, vomit smelling Levi.

Ashton was currently carrying the poor guy back to their room, while I stood awkwardly blushing in the hallway.

After their door was shut Johanna groaned so loudly I'm sure they could still hear it inside.

"Ashhhhhhton! Look what those poor people had to go through!"

"Jo babe, they're his friends too. I swear it was no trouble," he called from inside their room.

"Shhh!!" We both shhed him as we scuttled into the smaller area.

"They did have to clean up throw up though," I mumbled.

"Seriously why are you freaking out so bad," he said grabbing Jo by her hips.

"Let me go!" She yelled slapping his hands away,"None of that fake platonic/not platonic flirty shit you always try and pull. Not today!"

"What's wrong with you?"

She gripped her head,"I guess you didn't hear me right, I had a mild headache which is working its way towards possible migraine status. I have a roommate who woke me up way to early to yell at me for an hour. Rosie's moms know that I got drunk last night, and will probably call my parents. And to top it all off, you don't even care enough to watch Levi like Rosie asked you to, but instead you come interrupt me having a good time with Amelia." She was putting her head downwards now,"Look I- I gotta go. My head really hurts." She rushed out of the room, slipping past me, and as I turned to follow her she was already to far gone to catch.

"Wow." I mumbled.

"Somebody's mad at you~" Levi said, sitting up on his bed.

"Hey I thought you were comatose!" Ash said, pushing him back down.

"With all the noise you people cause?"

"What was that whole flirting thing about?" I asked, sitting down on Ash's bed criss cross apple sauce.

"Oh I don't know... An old flame I jokingly reunite once and a while."

"You and Jo...?"

"Yeah in the third grade," Levi replied lifting his face from his pillow.

I laughed, as Ashton blushed bright red. "S-stop trying to be such a show off." I said, still giggling a little.

"He could stop being a snitch..." He mumbled more to himself than to us.

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