Chapter 9

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Without even thinking I shot up crawling quickly over to the other side and bolting out the door before, running over to the RV where the rest of the group would be. Everyone was up on there feet watching the tree line as we came over.

"Do you think they ran into a walker?" Andrea asked as I just watched the tree line for any sort of movement ignoring the conversation that was going on around me.

"You think the herd is still close enough to hear that?" I whispered to Daryl making sure that no one else heard, my mind running away with the idea of a her that size taking us down. The thoughts seemed to disperse when a hand gripped mine as I looked up at him with a slight worried look.

"We should be good don't worry yourself about it." The hunter tried to reassure me rubbing a thumb over my knuckles, I pulled our hands away from each other going over to where T-Dog was standing watching the group.

"How's your arm doing?" I asked softly, the sudden voice caused his attention to instantly snap to me as he tried to offer up a small smile though I could tell he was in pain.

"I had a fever Dale helped me through it." I felt bad that instead of coming to check on him as soon as I got back I went with Daryl, I could have helped. I went to speak again only to be cut off by the sound of a horse coming our way at the sound we all turned in time to see a woman with short hair ride up the high way towards us shouting out for Lori.

"I'm Lori." Lori instantly announced jogging over to the woman who looked slightly frantic everyone followed unsure on how to react to the woman.

"You need to come now Rick sent me Carl's been shot he's alive but you need to come now." The woman announced, I watched as the panic set over Lori's face at the news instantly going to jump onto the horse Daryl began to protest but I instantly silenced him.

"Where will do we need to go?" I asked, though I had never really spoke to Carl I knew that I could help if I got there.

"I'm guessing your the nurse." The woman thought out loud as I nodded. "Back track to Farebend Road two miles down you'll see our farm look for the mail box the names Greene." With those last words Lori and the woman took off back into the forest as I instantly jumped into action going to run over to my truck along with everyone else who moved to follow the woman's orders.

"Wait what about Sophia?" Carol cried out as I froze in the panic of everything I'd forgotten about the girl. Even though it was terrible to say he would rather go to Carl right now at least then we could all be of some use, right now Sofia was a waiting game. "I won't leave her out there I won't do it, we all just can't leave." In my mind was frantic while we just stood here as I began to fiddle with my fingers, tapping away.

"Carol the group is divided there's not much we can do." Dale tried to reason with her however he couldn't seem to sway the woman.

"What if she comes back it could happen?" Carol questioned softly while Andrea had her own little input on the situation.

"We need to plan for this some of us can stay here over night give us time to rig a sign leave her some supplies." Daryl spoke turning to me as I nodded in response.

"Who's going to stay and who's going to go?" Glenn questioned looking around at the group all together.

"I have to go to the farm I'd be the most use there." I spoke up as everyone turned to me, Carol didn't look happy about the decision though didn't speak up. "T-Dog it would be better if you came with me too if they took Carl there they have supplies I can fix up your arm properly make sure it doesn't lead to permanent damage."

"I'll come with you." Daryl announced moving towards my truck a sudden sadness settled over me as I watched him go. I knew that I had to make a choice even if I didn't want to quickly I jogged up to where Daryl was pinning the tarp on the back of my truck down. "Daryl." That seemed to catch his attention as he made his way over to me. "Daryl...You can't come it even with Dale out here Carol is fragile and Andrea is just plain stupid in a world like this... It would just-" I spoke softly eyes trained to the ground till I felt a pair of hands cup my cheeks lifting my head to look at him meeting his eyes.

"I know I just don't want to leave you alone after I just got you back." Daryl spoke softly leaning forward to kiss me softly. "Promise me you'll stay safe."

"I promise if you do."

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