Chapter 8

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We were all running towards the sound of the bells through the forest, all of us following Rick's directions. Soon a white church came into view surrounded by a small graveyard, but there was no bell tower which Shane was quick to point out. Rick however didn't listen sprinting his way to the church the rest of us in tow as we made our way over the graveyard. It took a few minutes to make our way to the large church doors as Rick pushed the door open three freaks slowly rose from there seats, I moved to get inside but Daryl raised a hand stopping me. He took my knife from me and handed his crossbow over instead, Daryl, Shane and Rick quickly disposed of them. I threw the crossbow over my shoulder staying by the door as everyone inspected the church with people calling out to Sophia.

"I'm telling you Rick this is the wrong church there's no steeple" Shane announced, he opened his mouth to talk again but he was stopped by loud church bells ringing throughout the church. We sprinted outside, Glenn finding a control panel on the side of the building to turn them off all of us realising that it was on a timer.

"I'm gonna go back in for a bit" Carol announced before she made her way inside, everyone split of into our own small groups taking a break from the search. I made my way out to a small grassy area in the grave yard that was absent of any tomb stones, plopping down on the grass bringing the crossbow round to my front sitting it between my legs. I heard footsteps approach me before someone came to sit beside me, I knew it was Daryl. We sat in silence him close to me our legs flush against each other, his arm came up to wrap around my shoulder bringing me close to him. I placed my head on his shoulders still staring out at the tree line.

"You doing okay?" He asked quietly, his thumb began to rub circles into my shoulder reassuringly I hummed.

"I'm doing fine just that guy in the tent shook me up up a bit still haven't gotten used to the new world I guess," I told him calmly with an equally quiet voice. "Stuff like that makes me think you know?" I questioned eyes never straying from the tree line, above me I felt him hum as he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of my head. "I don't want to but we better get going we'll be leaving soon" Daryl was the first to move standing up before grabbing his crossbow and slinging it over his shoulder, then extended his hand out to me quickly helping me to my feet as well.

We made our way to where the group was gathered when Shane approached "Ya'll gotta follow the Creek back okay?" He asked, but none of us got a chance to respond as he added. "Daryl and Sam your in charge, me and Rick are gonna hang back a few hours search the area be thorough"

"Your splitting us up, ya sure?" Daryl asked from beside me gazing at them curiously.

"Yeah we'll catch up with ya" He reassured Daryl, I gave a nod knowing there was no use in convincing him otherwise. Carl quickly cut into the conversation.

"I wanna stay too, I'm her friend" Everyone looked unsure at the thought of him being out there alone even if he was with Rick and Shane. However, Lori quickly decided that it would be fine telling him to be careful. Lori and Carl shared a brief moment almost like a goodbye.

Rick removed his gun from its holster offering it to Lori, who refused. "I'm not going to leave you out here unarmed." She insisted, I reached into the back of my jeans pulling out the gun that I had retrieved from the dead man as I made my way over.

"Here," I offered Lori the gun she opened her mouth to refuse once again. "I have a gun at the truck I'm more comfortable with my knife anyway plus I'd prefer you to have it" She still seemed unsure about taking it from me. "Please" I tried causing her to break and take the gun from my hand giving me a smile and thanks. Andrea made an annoyed sound as she marched off following Daryl who had already started on the way back to the highway I quickly jogged up to him before settling into his pace beside him.

"So this is it?" Carol pronounced as she came to a stop sitting down on a fallen tree causing us all to come to a halt as well. "Is this the whole plan?" Daryl glanced at me quickly before responding.

"Guess its to split off into smaller groups" Daryl answered, Andrea rolled her eyes before cutting in.

"Carrying knives and pointy sticks," Andrea sighed before adding on, her gaze locked on Lori. "I see you have a gun" People like her really got on my nerves, the type of people that was expecting you to bow to every little request. Andrea honestly reminded me of a child that had been denied a toy and was now throwing a tantrum about it. The blonde really needed to grow up if she wanted to survive because the way she was going it wouldn't be long till that attitude got her into trouble with someone.

Lori seemed to also be getting annoyed by her attitude not wanting to deal with her anymore she handed over the gun, which seemed to make the blonde look even more annoyed. I laughed drily as I leaned against a near by tree Daryl sticking close to me at the look causing her to turn to me with an annoyed face.

"What?" Andrea asked sternly stepping closer to me, but I just brushed her off beginning to play with my sleeve a small smile forming on my face.

"Nothing really I just find it funny that you finally got what you wanted," I began softly, pushing myself up from the tree to stand fully. "And your still not happy reminds me of the children back at the hospital." I finished with a chuckle at the end Andrea gave me an annoyed look mouth opening and closing as she fell over her words however didn't answer me again, while I just let out a sigh stepping around Daryl so I could walk further off into the woods by myself. However, I made sure that I didn't stray too far from the group just encase anything was out here that I couldn't handle by myself. After slowly walking for a few minutes the rest of the group joined me Daryl coming to my side matching my pace easily as we all marched ahead in silence. It didn't take long to reach the highway as Dale and T-Dog jogged over to us with hope filled eyes which quickly fell once they realised that Sofia wasn't with us. All we could do was wait till the rest of the group got back it didn't take long for Daryl and I to split from the group heading back to my truck together, without saying a word I opened the back jumping in and curling up on the makeshift bed almost immediately. I heard a chuckle coming from outside the car causing me to smile as well. Slowly, I sat up shuffling into a sitting position allowing the hunter to get into the truck as well which he gratefully did closing the door behind him. The both of us shuffled around briefly trying to find a comfortable position ending with Daryl sitting up back resting against the car door legs spread out on the seats as I lay in between them leaning against his chest wrapped in his big arms.

We lay like that in silence just enjoying each others company for the first time in a long time, this was a rare moment of silent and comfort for me. Moments like these seemed rare in the new world so I wanted this to last as long as it could. After a few more minutes my eyes began to feel heavy as I subconsciously moved my head to rest against Daryl's as darkness began to creep in. However, the moment didn't last as I was suddenly jolted out of sleep by a gunshot going off in the distant.

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