Chapter 5

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Rick and Shane were the first stumbling slightly on the steep hill, then Glenn who had a little less luck as he tripped near the end of the hill but quickly caught himself. I was next slowly making my way down focusing on the hill I could hear Daryl right behind me coming down at the same time. Suddenly, my footing slipped from beneath me causing me to fall backwards I tried to catch myself but I didn't do it in time so all I could do was wait to hit the floor. However, the impact never came instead strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist stopping me from falling I looked back seeing Daryl standing behind me, I gave him a grateful smile which he returned as he helped me to my feet. I made it down with no bother along with Daryl, we all followed Rick into the woods Shane close by I stayed near the back Daryl walking right behind me and Glenn next to me. It was completely silent as we followed Rick further into the woods.

"How do you and Daryl know each other?" Glenn asked breaking the silence that had previously settled over the group, the question seemed to interest everyone as both Shane and Rick glanced back at me. I glanced back at Daryl asking the silent question can I?, which he responded to with a small smile and a nod causing me to smile.

"We met when I was studying to be a nurse next to my university there was a small bar that I liked to go to it was a rough place but I didn't really mind it that much it was somewhere to go and relieve some stress," I spoke softly a gentle smile on my face as I remembered the past when things seemed so much simpler. "Daryl and Merle liked to drink there together they ended up getting into a fight with some people and Merle took off while Daryl stayed I took him back to mine and cleaned him up everything kind of went on from there, never thought that ten years later he'd propose it was a nice surprise."

"So you two are together?" Glenn asked with a small smile on his face, I could tell by the look in his eyes he didn't mean anything by it I nodded shooting him a small smile. "I just didn't think Daryl was a loving type, never thought we'd loose someone and gain Daryl's fiance in the same day" He joked quietly then went silent once we realised what he said, it took a few minutes to reach where Rick had left Sophia but she was no where to be seen. Looking up I saw Shane looking at Daryl annoyed by something. "Wait so how do you and Shane know each other?" I was about to explain when Shane cut me off, he seemed to have a habit of doing that.

"He was Rick's nurse at the hospital when he got shot," As soon as he said that Rick's head shot towards me I could see in his eyes with that one sentence his view on me had changed completely. "Told me that he would be up and moving in a month, guess he was right." Shane told the group staring at me with a strange smile, on the outside it seemed pretty innocent but there was something there that I just caught a glimpse of.

"There's tracks," Daryl pointed them and the direction they were moving in, trying to get the attention of me which I was thankful for. "We can follow them it'll lead us right to her" He stated as he glanced around for the direction that Sophia may have travelled. "She went up this way, not all of us should go it'll mess up the tracks me and Sam will follow them." He suggested as he started to follow the tracks, gesturing me to follow him which I did without question. However, we didn't get far till Rick called out to us causing us both to turn.

"I'll come with you I left her here she's my responsibility, plus she doesn't know Sam might get scared if she sees a stranger out here even if they don't look that intimidating." I pouted at the last comment staring at him confused as he just smiled lightly. The both of us agreed I hadn't thought about any of that, we made our way further through the woods following the tracks in complete silence. The silence didn't last long as the sounds of groaning approached taking my knife from its sheath I kept it at the ready as the freak limped towards us, Daryl raised his crossbow while Rick took out his knife. Before either of them could move I talked the thing to the ground holding my knife in one hand the other pressing on the freaks chest to keep it pined down while its jaws snapped at me. I drove my knife into its forehead piercing straight through its skull, it fell limp no longer struggling against my grip I got off of the freak quickly getting to my feet. Daryl and Rick bending down to inspect the walker as they searched for any sign of it feeding with all the signs pointing to the fact that it had it left them with no choice but to cut the thing open and check for themselves. During the process I had to walk away to keep from vomiting, I waited for them to be done.

"It was a wood chuck" Daryl's rough voice said from behind me, I turned towards him seeing the blood staining his hands. "That means that shes still out there" I added hopefully causing him to smile at me and mutter a small 'yeah' . We made our way back to the highway the sun was starting to set now, it took around 20 minutes to get back to the highway. I could see Carol still waiting at the barrier waiting for our return with hope in her eyes, but it quickly disappeared as she saw us.

"You didn't find her" Carol nervously asked once we made our way over the barrier, Rick was the one to answer her questions. "The trail went cold, we'll pick it up again at first light" He explained sympathetically, but Carol didn't seem to appreciate it one bit.

"I can't leave her out there to spend the night in the woods all alone" She looked on the brink of tears, I felt sorry for her I couldn't imagine what she was going through.

"Hunting in the darks no good, we'd just be tripping over ourselves" Daryl explained to her, I was surprised how sympathetic he sounded he wasn't usually that good at dealing with other peoples emotions or his own. The news only seemed to make Carol more hysterical, the situation was becoming more and more uncomfortable for me to be in I didn't know these people. This moment felt so intimate and private I felt as though I didn't belong there, when Carol started to let the tears go I quietly slipped away making my way over to my truck. I could still hear them talking as I sat in the cargo bed waiting. After what felt like forever I heard footsteps approaching I knew it was Daryl, he came and sat by me.

"Why'd you leave earlier?" He asked with curiosity as he stared me down, I gulped under the stare. "It didn't feel like my place, I just met these people it wasn't right" I replied slightly shaking my head, I glanced up at the sky it would be night soon. An idea popped into my head and a feeling of joy over took me, a smile spread across my face.

"What?" Daryl questioned a small smile plastering his face just from my reaction, instead of responding straight away I grabbed his hand pulling him up with me leading him to the back of the truck. I opened the door for the both of us staring at my makeshift bed he followed my gaze till we were both staring at the small space. "I know its small but it could be worse," I joked, moving closer I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands fell to rest on my waist. "It doesn't matter though as long as I get to sleep next to you one last time I'll be happy" I kissed him on the corner of his lips before pulling away completely and making my way inside Daryl following shortly after.

It took some arranging to fit us both into the bed but we eventually managed, night had finally fell the only light we had was from a small battery powered lantern as we stared at the ceiling together. Due to the limited space I was practically laying on top of him, my head lay on top of his chest with our legs tangled together he had an arm wrapped around my shoulders as he rubbed small circles into my skin.

"I've missed you," I muttered as I pressed a small kiss to his neck before snuggling back into his chest once again. "I've missed this."

"Me too Sammy, your never gonna have to miss this or me cause I'm never leaving you again"

Were the last words I heard before drifting off to sleep peacefully feeling protected and safe for the first time in a long time.

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