Chapter 2

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~ Time skip 2 weeks ~

With no place to go I decided to set up camp on the abandoned road staying in my car and finding what I needed in the cars it wasn't so bad there was food in most cars there was a truck full of water which I'd been slowly going through. Even with the large amount of supplies I was trying to be as slow as possible when going through them it wasn't going to last forever. At the moment I was trying to find some more things for my 'bed' which was just the back of my truck in reality since the first night here I'd only had one thin blanket to cover myself and with this being my semi permanent home I'd decided to make this more of a home. Carrying a box that I used to carry all of my supplies when I made journeys so far I'd managed to find a pillow that should cure my stiff neck all I needed now was a new couple of blankets or better a duvet. While checking the cars luck seemed to be on my side when I pulled out a duvet placing it into my box along with some food I found in the same car.

It wasn't a long journey to my truck only a minute or two where I set up everything ready for tonight and the remaining food into the cargo bed of my truck where I was storing all my boxes of food ready for when I needed to take off currently I had around ten boxes all filled with food mostly canned goods. I'm surprised how much I'd managed to get done while I was here managing to find as much as I did, it had become a tradition for me that once I searched a car I would leave a small mark it wouldn't be obvious if you weren't looking for it but it was to let me know which cars were checked and which weren't. Taking a moment to relax I lay down on my 'bed' closing my eyes, but what caused my eyes to snap open was the sound of people approaching , I could hear the sound of cars driving my way. Peaking through the back window at the start of the road I saw an RV that was smoking, two cars and a motorbike there was a fairly large group of people outside the RV around eleven of them.

"Shit!" I muttered under my breath as I noticed them starting to look around in the cars after spending some time just talking. I knew there was no way that I could take on that many even if I could I wouldn't, killing those things was no problem to me but these were people just like me. I don't think I would be able to look Daryl in the eyes if I killed some innocent people just so I could live.

Reaching to my side I searched as quietly as possible for my handgun, something I had found in a car though I had never used it. Honestly, it wasn't worth the risk one shot could draw the freaks from miles it was like ringing a dinner bell. As soon as I heard the fast pace foot steps approaching my breathing picked up, panic rising in my throat. I didn't know who these people were or what they were capable of this could be the end of me, holding my gun as close to me as possible I sunk as far into the back seats as possible hoping that this person would go straight by. However, the gods weren't on my side as the drivers door was flung open and someone climbed in this person seemed almost frantic looking around the car but they stopped when they saw the photo of me and Daryl it confused me why would they be interested in that. From the angle I was at there was no way of seeing his face and I'd decided that I would only make a move if they tried to get into the back or to him at all. So he remained silent waiting as this stranger stared at the photo, whoever this person was clearly had enough of the photo as they turned to take a look in the back, their head peaked through the gap not even turning before I lifted my gun with shaking hands to place it against there forehead. My breathing was shaky as the guy completely froze at the barrel being pressed to his forehead, but once I focused on there face everything froze as the gun slipped from my grasp hitting the seats with a slight thud.

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