If things end between them...the way she feels about him won't ever change. She'll be waiting for the moment he comes back.

Because he was her soulmate, and fate has crazy ways of working.

If they didn't meet again in this life...then they would in the next. That's what she kept telling herself.

She knew Harry loved her. He showed it in everything he did. Even when he was angry, he still showed the love he felt for her.

She knew he was capable of love. She never doubted it, even when she said she did.

It was hard for him to love, but he did it for her.

And she was grateful for everything he's done for her. Every small gesture, every kiss, every feeling he gave her...she would never forget it.

So, as they sit in front of the fire...they both know that their precious time together is bound to come to an end.

Both Lydia and Harry were believers of destiny. Maybe this was theirs.

Maybe they were always meant to crumble.

Lydia White

"Lydia." Harry's deep voice croaks from behind me.

"Hmm." I acknowledge while staring numbly into the fire.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

I wasn't.

"I don't really know." my voice cracks because I haven't talked in a while and my throat hurt from crying.

I hear him shuffle off of the couch and sit down next to me. He sits with his knees up, arms resting on top of them and hands folded between.

"I think we just need to go to sleep." he mumbles, looking ahead.

"Sleep won't change anything. We'll wake up and everything will be exactly how we left it." I shake my head.

He sighs. "We can't talk about anything when we're exhausted." he states.

I exhale and tuck my hair behind my ear. "Exhausted or not...it's not gonna change the fact that you're gonna leave me."

My comment makes him dip his head down and look at the ground between his legs.

"Please don't say that." he exhales.

"But it's true!" I throw my hands up and turn my head to look at him.

"Lydia, please." he huffs and shakes his head.

"Why can't we just work something out?" I turn back to look at the fire.

"It's not that easy. I wish it was." his lips pull to the side of his face.

"Let's just run away." I suggest.

"I have a gang to run, Lyds." he says.

"I just wanna stay with you." I say softly.

Harry unfolds his hands and grabs mine. "You have no idea" he says.

I look into his green eyes. He was giving me a sincere look that held love, sadness, and regret.

His one eye was purple because of the bruising. My gaze traveled all along his face. His cheekbone and jaw were yellow, green and purple.

He's endured so much pain tonight but he's been ignoring it for my sake.

"I'm sorry this happened to you." I say softly.

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