Fourteen: Lukey Pookey

Start from the beginning

"I know that." I laughed. 

"I'd also probably want a boy and a girl. The boy should be older." He answered. 

"Exactly what I think!" I nodded. 

"I have a question for you." Luke said. 

"Okay, shoot." I listened. 

"That night we fell asleep on the rooftop, when we were talking, we made that promise. You said 'Promise me you're not just gonna leave, that one day you realize you don't want anything to do with me and walk away'. What happened?" He asked. 

"I just... haven't had the best luck with relationships. I've only been in two. The first one lasted about a month, and we ended things just because we were already friends and it was just awkward. The second one lasted around six months. Turned out he was cheating on me for a whole five months and I had no idea. I didn't open up to anyone really after that in fear of just being left after so long. You're the first person I've opened up to since that happened a year or more ago." I explained to Luke.

"God, I was so upset at him. He was hooking up with this other girl for five months, yet he never once did it with me. After he talked multiple how he was gonna be the one to take my virginity." I laughed, remembering it all. 

"No way." Luke said, looking at me in disbelief. 

"What?" I asked. 

"You're not a virgin." He shook his head. "I mean, look at you." 

"I am." I laughed at him.  

"We'll have to change that then." Luke looked at me for a second. "Only if you want to, of course." 

"Of course I do." I honestly said to him. "But I know for a fact that you aren't one." 

"Why do you say that?" He amusingly asked. 

"Because look at you! You're very attractive, you're very tall, have irresistible blue eyes and you're Australian. Girls love Australian guys. I'm honestly surprised that you're even interested in me, let alone falling in love with me." I shrugged. 

"Well thank you for the shower of compliments babe. However, we've arrived at our destination." He said, and I just realized I hadn't looked out the window in awhile because I was so concentrated on Luke. I looked out and saw the ocean, and an amusement park on the boardwalk. 

"Welcome to the San Diego Pier. I remember you said you've never been here before and neither have I, so I thought it would be fun." 

Luke and I spent the next five or six hours at the amusement park, going on all the rides multiple times. It was now almost sunset and we decided to walk along the beach. My hand was in Luke's hand and they fit together so perfectly. 

"I've had so much fun today." I told him, as we stood in the sand, watching the sun set down across the water. 

"I have too. You know, hopefully I'm not setting you up for disappointment because the rest of our dates might not be this exciting and fun." He told me with a laugh. 

"I really don't care what we do for dates, as long as we're just spending time together, that's all that matters to me. We could stay in bed all day and watch movies and call it a date." I shrugged, causing Luke to smile. 

"I love you." He said, looking at me. I just looked at him for a second, trying to process what he'd just said. 

"I love you too Luke." I said, leaning up and connecting our lips together. 

"That's another reason I love you. You're a fucking great kisser." He bit his lip as I rolled my eyes playfully and leaned in to kiss him again. We started walking back to the car after the sun had set. 

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and pulled it out to see a text from Sammy. 

Sammy: I'm spending the night at Michael's tonight, so you have the place to yourself. tell me about ur date tomorrow!

"Sam is going to Michael's tonight." I said outloud. 

"Do you wanna stay with me?" Luke asked, almost too quickly. He knew I didn't want to stay alone. 

"Yes." I smiled. I texted Sammy back. 

Me: I'm actually gonna stay with Luke tonight. our date was great. and i love him. :') 

"You're bound to get sick of me at some point, I mean we have spent the whole day together." Luke teased me as he pulled out onto the highway that followed the coast. 

"Luke Hemmings, I could never, ever  get sick of you." 


awww that was cute omgggg i love writing cute lovey dovey chapters :') 


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