Chapter thirty:

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The silence was unnerving. No one in front of them, no one behind them, and no one behind any of the doors that they passed. And it stayed like that for what seemed like a very long time.

And then she very nearly drew her weapon to fire on Johnny when he suddenly appeared in front of them. She relaxed when she realized who it was.

"There you are. I've been looking all over for you." He said as he approached.

"Why were you looking for us?" Sam asked from his place at the head of the group.

"I thought you might want to know where the main computer is." He replied with what seemed to be nonchalance. Though how anyone could be nonchalant in this white maze was a mystery to her.

"How did you know that?" Sam sounded quite suspicious.

"I overheard your conversation when you were making a plan," Johnny said, the corner of his mouth turning up in a smile.

"Then let's go." Rachel said, shifting her position. She grumbled something unintelligible when the telepath started sliding, and she had to shift again to stop him.

"Follow me," Johnathan said as he turned around.

But they hadn't even made it to the next fork in the hallway when a voice from behind made them all pause. "I wouldn't trust him if I were you."

They turned almost as one to look back at the source of the voice.

Clarity was shocked to see that it was none other than the strange golden-haired woman that she'd encountered in the darkened room.

"Why shouldn't we trust him?" Clarity asked with a frown. Why should they trust her? they knew her even less than they knew Johnny.

The woman walked forward until she was standing right next to Johnny. He took a wary step backward, but she simply stepped closer again.

"Because of this." She said, almost smugly, at the same time reaching up to brush away the hair from the back of his neck. Metal glinted in the sharp light, and a second later, Clarity realized that it was a disk.

Not just any disk, however. It was almost exactly identical to the one that Alex had been sporting when they'd first met. Which had to mean that Johnny was an agent, and most likely very much so under the Organization's control.

Johnny stepped away again, both hands flying up to cover the disk. He murmured something that she didn't quite catch. But his actions were too late, and everyone had seen it.

"You know what that is, right?" the golden-haired woman asked.

"Yes." Rachel and Alex said in unison.

"Then you know that he can't be trusted." As the woman spoke, Clarity suddenly realized that she had a familiar accent. Like watered down British. The same accent as the guy who captured them.

"That's not true," Johnny said in a subdued tone. He was looking at the ground. Was he telling the truth or was he lying? The fact that the woman had the same accent as their enemy made her argument against him seem a little less plausible.

A thick silence hung over the group. No one seemed ready to break it, and no one did. They stood there, staring at Johnny. He was looking at the ground, but then his eyes lifted and he met her gaze. The silence stretched on like that, and she tried to study his expression to see if he was guilty or not. However, his strange eyes were unreadable.

"It doesn't matter. Even if he isn't trustworthy, we still need to get to the main computer. He said he knows where it is. That's the best we've got right now." Rachel said, finally snapping the silence.

Labyrinth of White - The Moon Trilogy - Book #1Where stories live. Discover now