Part 19

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I am so so so sorry it took so long to get this chapter out!! I have been working on my new book and honestly all my attention is on it right now since I keep getting ideas for it 😅😅 anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapter 💞💞

Jungkook hums quietly to himself as he sets the mashed potatoes on the table, everything was done cooking now he just needed everyone else to arrive. Jimin and him decided that Thanksgivings dinner should be held at Jungkooks and Yoongis shared home, they didn't know when the younger would pop but with the Braxton hics contractions he's feeling right now it might be soon.

Jungkook smiles from ear to ear when he looks into the living room seeing Sonhwa and Minseok playing together as Jimin, Namjoon, and Yoongi talk amongst each other. When Yoongi catches sight of his Omega he smiles fondly at him, walking to the door once he hears a knock.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Yoongs! Scarlett go play with the other kids." Mikey sets her daughter down once the entered the house, "yes mommy." As Scarlett goes and plays with the other kids Mikey, Changbin, and Hyunjin go and greet all the adults present.

"Where's Liv?"

"They hit traffic but they should be here soon." Yoongi nods as he watches Jimin and Mikey hug with smiles on their faces, Scarlett breaks away from everyone when she spots Jungkook.

"Kookie!" Jungkook giggles when Scarlett latches herself onto his leg, "Well hello there pretty girl, how are you doing?"

As time goes by everyone has finally arrived and the food is finally done, the adults chatting amongst themselves as the children play. "So Felix how's motherhood treating you?"

"I love it! Chanmin is the light of mine and Taes life, he's so energetic as well so he keeps us on out toes." Jungkook smiles his signature bunny smile, it quickly drops when he feels a contraction roll through.

Yoongi rushes over to him when he senses his mate in pain, "Baby what's wrong?"

"The baby is coming right now Yoongi-" a sharp gasp escapes his lips as the pain intensifies, he feels fluid rushing down his legs as he grips Yoongis hand. "Jungkook it started storming what do you want me to do?"

"Liv and Mikey can help me deliver this baby, get me upstairs and to the bathroom." Yoongi nods as he helps Jungkook up the stairs and to the bathroom, helping him strip down as Jungkook gets settled in the bathtub.

Jungkook sighs as he turns on the water, he makes sure it's at the perfect temperature to keep him and the baby warm when the baby decides to make their appearance. Jungkook planned on doing a water birth, he realizes he's going to have to make due with what they have at his home and deliver the baby naturally.

Jungkook knows there's some benefits when doing water birth like how the warm water is soothing, comforting, and relaxing. His doctor told him that the effect of buoyancy lessens a mothers body weight, allowing free movement and new positioning. His doctor even went as far to explain how buoyancy promotes more efficient uterine contractions and improved blood circulation resulting in better oxygenation of the uterine muscles, less pain for the mother, and more oxygen for the baby.

When the tub has a good amount of water Yoongi turns the faucet off, heading downstairs to grab Mikey and Liv due to the omegas request. A few minutes later and Yoongi enters the bathroom with the girls trailing behind him, Liv pushing her sleeves up as Mikey works on taking her jacket off.

"Alright Yoongi I need you to go put some shorts or swim trunks on and get behind him, I'm going to grab some towels as Liv checks how dilated he is." Mikey walks towards to cabinet by the bathroom door, Yoongi darting out of the room to change quickly.

When he returns Liv has gloves on and has Jungkook situated with his back to her, Mikey setting a towel on the counter making sure to have some damp wash cloths ready to clean up the baby when he gets here. Yoongi steps into the tub, grabbing his mates hand as he sits down beside him.

He watches Jungkook tense slightly when Live starts checking him, placing kisses on his shoulder and neck to calm him down. "Alright Kook you're dilated to a 5 right now so you're halfway there!"

Hours pass by in what feel like an eternity for Jungkook, he exited the bath when it started feeling cold so he could put on some comfortable clothing so he could walk around. He got strict orders from Mikey and Liv to walk around and to bounce on a yoga ball, if he had one, to speed up the process.

Jungkook groans from the living room, he started craving pumpkin pie about an hour ago. He was told not to eat anything other than ice chips when he's in active labor, he was currently getting his feet rubbed by Taehyung while Jimin rubbed his back. Yoongi would be the one rubbing his feet right now, but when a contraction hit he accidentally kicked his mate in the balls when he tried to rub them earlier.

"What's wrong baby?"

"I want pie, pumpkin pie to be specific." Yoongi chuckle lightly, placing a hand on his mates knee. "Baby you can't eat right now or you'll throw up during labor."

"Kook it's time for you to get checked come on." Jungkook nods as Yoongi helps him off of the couch and up the stairs, he notices Mikey in the bathroom filling up the tub and re soaking the wash cloths she had out.

He removes his sweats and boxers before slowly sinking into the water, he nods at Liv when he's ready to be checked. Jungkook moans out in pain when another contraction rolls through his body, gripping the sides of the tub harshly.

"Alright do you feel the need to push?" Liv asks as she pulls her hand out of the water, Jungkook nods in response. "Ok good because I felt the baby's head so it's time!"

Mikey and Liv rush around the bathroom to get things prepared as Yoongi settles into the tub behind his mate, Jungkook turned so he was facing the girls as he rested against Yoongi.

"Fuck this hurts! I swear to God Min Yoongi if you get me pregnant again I will end you." Jungkook seethes out as he clenches his teeth.

"Alright it time to push hun!"

Jungkook nods at Livs words hooking his hands under his knees, he takes a deep breath, counting to 10 in his head as he pushes. He keeps repeating this process every time a contraction ripples through his body, he gasp when he feels a pop.

"I need you to keep pushing baby!"

Jungkook pushes again, he was able to push the baby's shoulders out this time. Liv and Mikey exchange knowing looks as the watch Jungkook pant for air, reaching down Mikey instructs Jungkook to push one final time. She helps aid in gently removing the baby from him, she sets the baby on the mothers chest as Liv tells Yoongi where to cut the cord.

When the cord it cut they take a clip the midwife provided them with and attaches it to the cord. Mikey stands with the baby boy secure in her arms, taking him to the sink to clean him up as Liv gets Jungkook to deliver the after birth.

Yoongi helps his mate out of the tub, washing the bloody water off of the both of them when Liv said he didn't need to be stitched up because he didn't tear. They both dress in warm comfy clothing as the watch their baby boy getting a diaper put on him, Liv hands Mikey a soft baby blanket to wrap him up in to keep him warm.

"Alright here you go~" Jungkook feels tears escaping his eyes as he holds his son in his arms, he chuckles when he hears Yoongi sniffle behind him.

"Look at our handsome boy Yooni! Our precious Jungmin." The couple didn't notice that they were now the only two in the room, but the didn't care. Their son was here in their arms,

"I love our little family." Yoongi whispers as he places a light kiss to the crown of Jungmins head, he then turns and pecks Jungkooks lips.

"I do too." Jungkook says as he holds his son closer to him, he couldn't of asked for a better Thanksgiving.

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