Part 8

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(Kookoos bump^^)

(Time skip~~)

Four months had passed by quickly, Jungkook now has a baby bump and Taehyung agreed to live with them. After Yoongi asked if he wanted to move in Taehyung jumped at the offer, wanting some distance from Jimin.

They found a nice cozy 4 bedroom house for them, one of the room turned into a guest room for when the girls and their mates are over. Taehyung is Scarlett's number one baby sitter, if they need someone to watch her Taehyung volunteers immediately. He's grown quiet fond of the pup, he was wrapped around her finger. He was always buying her new clothes or toys, sometimes even jewelry.

One certain piece of jewelry he bought her was a gold cross necklace, it was small and just her size. The cross had diamonds on it and the chain was very small, she wore it constantly and refused to take it off. When her parents take it off her for bath time, a nap, or when it's bed time she cries until she's told she can have it back the next day.

The girls have become best friends with Taehyung they even go shopping with him, seen as he is very blunt and will tell them what looks good and what doesn't in a heartbeat.

Mikey ended up having to go to the hospital after hitting her head, she wasn't able to stand properly without feeling dizzy. Changbin and Hyunjin refused to leave her side, Liv and her mates would babysit for them whenever Mikey had to stay home because of her head.

Yoongi and Jungkook hated seeing her like this, so whenever the boys would work at the parlor Mikey would tag along. She was very needy when it came to attention from her mates, needing to be in their arms or on their laps at all times. When she was around Liv she would always have a hold of her shirt and would hide behind her whenever a costumer would come in.

The whole group hated that she was like this now, she used to be loud and cheerful and could always make people laugh without even trying. Now she was constantly jumpy and to scared to be alone, when her mates and Liv were busy Yoongi would comfort her, even Jungkook did when he wasn't at work. Changbin, Hyunjin, and Liv all wanted to beat Jimin to a pulp, if he wouldn't of flirted with Changbin this wouldn't be happening.

"Hey everyone!" Yoongi yells walking into the parlor with Jungkook by his side. Jungkook slaps him harshly on the back of the head, motioning to the now shaking omega hiding behind Liv.

"Shit, I'm so sorry Mikey." She mumbles something about it being ok and that she's fine causing Yoongi to sigh and look at Jungkook. "I'm actually going to kill your brother."

The door opens and everyone turns their heads to look, "Oh hey Taehyung, what brings you in today?"

"I would like to get a tattoo." He states

"I would draw it out but I have to finish this and sketch out another drawing for a costumer sorry Tae." Liv speaks up, "Maybe you can convince Mikey to do it?"

Taehyung smiles softly at Mikey, "I heard a certain Omega had a birthday yesterday," he starts causing her to look at him behind Liv.

She nods her head before pointing to herself, "I-I did."

Liv coos at her before bringing her forward slowly, Mikey not letting her shirt go, "I have something for you, I hope you like it." Taehyung says before placing a gift bag on the counter.

She looks towards Liv who nods her head while smiling at her, she reaches forward looking into the bag. She gasps and soon pulls out a plush Pua from the movie Moana, her favorite character from the movie. She also pulls out a bracelet with a bunch of sunflower charms on it, then a bunch of candy. She smiles wide causing her eyes to disappear because of her eye smile. Changbin and Hyunjin both look at her lovingly.

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