Guardian of the Heart: Part Seven

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Christian’s foot hadn’t eased up on the pedal for nearly half an hour; red and blue lights shimmering across the dark pavement before him as he hit nearly double the legal speed limit.

Rhea had been his best friend’s girl, was the only friend left to him after Logan’s murder. He couldn’t lose her too, even if he had to lose his mind to save her…

He picked up his cell, called her for what must have been the hundredth time.

‘She can’t answer you,’ Logan’s voice said yet again.

Chris threw the phone down as the answering machine picked up. “Doesn’t hurt to try,” he snapped, feeling foolish and hurt as the impossible conversation dredged up memories of what had been taken from him. “These men who are after Rhea,” he began, ”… They’re the ones who-“

‘Yes,’ Logan whispered.

The car’s engine groaned in complaint, but Chris pushed the vehicle still faster. It was mere minutes – a lifetime of worry and anger – later that he whipped onto a dirt road. Trees flashed by on either side of the car, just as night quickly descended upon them. He was about to ask where he was going when Logan’s will had him slamming on the break.

The car fishtailed, kicking up dirt and skidding to a halt in the middle of the road.

Chris swore. “One of us isn’t dead yet, you know!”

Logan mentally brushed the comment off. He already had Chris’ hand reaching for the door. ‘We go on foot from here.’

* * * * *

Rhea leaned heavily against the tree, her heart paining her far more than all the bodily injuries she had.

Busted head? Slashed wrists? Ankles? What were they compared to losing him all over again?

She wished he’d let her die, but he hadn’t. He’d sent her back to a world where she hurt inside and out, a world where she was alone. He’d been back with her only a short while, but it was more than enough to leave her feeling emptier than ever before.

What hurt the most was knowing she would have done the same thing had she been in his place and he in hers. Because of that, she had to fight, had to do all that she could to keep from letting him down.

But Dante and Vince were still out there. She hadn't seen or heard them since coming to, but every bit of her screamed that they hadn't given up. How was she supposed to do as Logan wanted when all odds favored her end?

'I still need you, Logan,' she thought as her head fell to her knees. "I'll always need y–'

A twig snapped; her head jerked up. She wiped at her tear blind eyes, struggling to see as the sound of footsteps grew nearer. She bit back a scream as a man stopped just before her, his feet blocking her only escape.

"Here, Logan? ... Well I don't see anything!"

Rhea's heart jumped into her throat as she recognized the voice. "Christian?"

"Rhea?" Chris turned, bending so his newly hardened face filled the opening. Disgust and anger filled his eyes, his expression almost identical to what Logan's had been in Limbo. He held a hand out to her. "You look like hell."

"Been through hell," she mumbled, taking his hand and climbing hesitantly out into the open. "But I think I'm ok –"

A darkly amused laugh came from the trees at Christian's back. "Think again."

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