Chapter 17

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Four days I've been confined to bed rest. Only able to get out of bed to wash or use the toilet. I'm starting to go slowly crazy in need of fresh air.

Angeles walks in holding a silver tray which I know has my supper on.
She's walking very slowly and weirdly, her head bent and her eyes are focused on the food In front of her. She stops and looks up with a grin.

"I didn't trip, slip, fall, or drop your food!" She states proudly!
I can't help but laugh at her.

"Angeles, did you walk the whole way from the kitchen to here like that?" I ask teasing her.

"Like what?" She asks with a concerned face.

"Like your a constipated snail" I giggle

"Mmm, Constipated snails are my favourite." I hear Xavier say as he strides into the room.
Me and Angeles burst into laughter.

"Well, this constipated snail has brought you beef stew." She teases.
She puts it on my lap careful not to spill anything on me.
Her face lights up at her accomplishment.
She really is so adorable.

"Thank you, Angeles. I'm looking forward to actually eating the dinner this time, rather than wearing it." I tease her back.

"Oh but brown is so your colour!" She laughs while giving me a dramatic bow and then turns to leave, giggling on the way out.

She really is a character, from her innocent face to her playful sense of humour. She knows just what to say to cheer everyone up and make them laugh.
She's like my best friend and younger sister all rolled into one, and I feel very protective of her.

Xavier comes over and puts his hand to my forehead. Then checks the pulse on my wrist. A small smile means everything must be okay.

"When does this bed rest end?" I ask thoroughly fed up, looking to my beef stew.

"Well, I was thinking we could take a walk to the beach after you've finished your supper. The fresh air will do you good. But only if you're up to it." He says waiting for my reply.

"Oh thank goodness! I'm sure one more day confined to my bed, I would be talking to the walls!" I say, feeling excited at the prospect of getting out the house.

Xavier pulls out an envelope and hands it to me.
"You have a letter from Trudy." He states and my jaw opens slightly.

She's still away somewhere getting over the loss of Mr Jenkins, and I haven't heard from her.
Mr Laywood told me he sent a letter explaining what happened, a few days ago. So she must be writing to see how I am.
I've still not forgiven Mr Laywood and Xavier for their deceit and they know this. But their kindness and concern for me is wearing me down. I feel I can't get too mad, because if it wasn't for Mr Laywood I would still be going hungry living with my vile Father. Then I think to Xavier saving my life.

Xavier is being so caring towards me. Which is the total opposite to how he was when I first met him. But I know I can't let myself fall for him. He will expect things I can't give him. Like my body.

I look at Trudy's letter in my hand, I want to open it. But I don't want to feel sad and confused about why she never told me she was my Aunt from the beginning. Mr Laywood keeps promising that he will explain things but never does. There's always an excuse.
I place the letter on my bedside table. I will open it later when I have some privacy.
I look to the beef stew, Xavier has insisted I eat as much red meat and green vegetables as possible to increase my iron. So poor Mrs Green has had to change up her menu plans to accommodate me.
But even though I don't want another hearty meaty meal. I start to eat because I don't want it to go to waste. I know what it's like to never have enough food and I couldn't bare for it to be thrown away untouched.

Me and Xavier sit in comfortable silence. Me quietly eating and Xavier sitting on a chair by my bed writing notes on paper. His forehead is creased in concentration. We spend most evenings like this. Him doing work, updating patient files while I either eat, read or sleep.
The infection really worried him and he's barely left my side since. Other than to see a few patients at the clinic. The Junior doctor has been covering for Xavier. But Xavier has to check all the reports, due to the Junior doctor still in training.

I feel a bit guilty that I've kept him from his work. But then I think back to the healthcare check and I don't feel as bad.

Soon we are headed down the stairs with the promise of Xavier showing me the beach. I've never been to the seaside before and I'm excited to dip my toes into the sea.
As we get to the front door I see a man around my age standing in the same spot Mr Jenkins would stand. He's dressed in the same uniform. With a sad realisation, I know that this boy is his replacement.

"Dr Laywood, your carriage is ready Sir." The young man says with a nod of his head.

"Thank you, Isaac," Xavier replies as we exit the Estate.
I take a deep breath of fresh air and it feels wonderful.

"Here we are, Barricane Beach. The best beach in Devon." I hear Xavier say, but I'm too distracted at the view to listen properly.
The golden sand, the calm sea that looks blue one minute and grey the next. Then the white cliff tops with green grass sealing them over like a blanket.
The beach is in a semi-circle with the cliff tops around the sides, sand in the middle and the vast sea ahead. It's picturesque and beautiful.
I get excited as I can smell the sea air. I look to Xavier with a grin and he replies with a grin back.

He helps me out of the carriage and turns to the back and pulls out a wicker basket, that was strapped there.
I look to the basket and then to him in question.
"Blankets, cushions and Mrs Greens famous hot chocolate." He answers my look.
"When did you have time to prepare  this?" I ask confused. I thought it was a spare of the moment walk along the beach.
Then I realise.

"You knew I would say yes to seeing the beach, so you got this prepared before you even asked me. Didn't you?" I say in amusement.

"Well, you have been stuck inside for four days. I could have asked to take you to a mortuary and you would have still said yes." He laughs.
But Xavier quickly realises his mistake, just as images of Mr Jenkins and Mr Travers float to my mind once more.

"Sorry." He says looking down.
"It's fine." I smile not wanting to ruin this outing with sadness and anger.

"Let's show you the Cove." As Xavier gestures to the semi-circle.

Once we've had a walk around the beach. I eagerly dipped my toe in the water and instantly regretted it. It was freezing cold, and the look on Xavier's face was priceless as he laughed at my displeasure.

"I warned you." He teases.

After a while, Xavier lays out a blanket on the sand and we both lay on it looking up at the sunset.
We must be getting back soon before it gets too dark, but Xavier doesn't seem in a hurry to leave. But nor do I. I feel peaceful here. Listening to the waves crash gently to the shore and back again.

I turn to my side and look at him, his dark hair moves slightly in the breeze. I noticed yesterday he's been growing his facial hair and it suits him. He looks even more handsome if that's possible.

"You do realise it's rude to stare." Xavier's voice breaks my thoughts as he rolls over to face me with a smile on his taunting lips. I know he was just teasing me as he used those exact words before. But I can't help to blink and look away.

"Do you want to stay here and do some star gazing?" He asks. I turn back to face him and he's looking me directly in the eye.

I think about his question as I look back up to the orange sky. Do I want to lay touching distance next to Xavier while it's dark? Then watching the stars together.
I couldn't think of a more romantic setting. I look to see Xavier taking out another big blanket and the hot chocolate.
Oh, and sharing a blanket.
I should say no, I should ask to go back. Xavier isn't the type of man to want a girl like me. He has needs that I can't fill.
But while I start to say no. My lips say.


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