"Yes, you too. I'll see you around Sisleah. It was nice seeing you again." I waved goodbye to her and started walking home.

So he never told her....

Figures. He probably knew she would have beat some sense into him.

It's whatever.

What happened, happened. Nothing can change that.

I just hope I don't see him anytime soon.

I'm dreading the day I'll have to actually talk to him again.

Maybe I can just run away every time I see him.

That sounds like a good option.

Or I could just move to France.

Then I would have to leave my friends....and family....and the country-

No no no that's not an option......unless....

OK OK pull yourself together Bri. Stop being a dumb bitch....this is serious!

Suddenly I bump into something. Or someone.

I hesitate to look up.

Please don't be Asher. Please don't be Asher. Please don't be Asher.

I finally meet eyes with the person I bumped into just to be greeted with those familiar blue eyes.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank god-" I say.

"Wow did you want to see me that badly?" Danny smirks.

"Shut up I'm just glad you're not Asher."

"What do you mean why would I be Asher?" He says, tilting his head in confusion.

"Uhhhh because he may or may not have moved into the same neighborhood I'm in....."

"......you're fucking with me." He says, his face serious.

"Ahahah.......n o."




"Did you fucking talk to him?!? Or see him?!? Did he try to pull any slick shit with you?!? If he did just say the word and I will shove his foot so far up his-"

Before he can finish his sentence I cut him off.

"Ah ah ah that's enough. No. I didn't talk to him. I saw only a glimpse of him. But I did talk to his mom." I said.


"She has no idea what the fuck happened between us."

"Of course she doesn't." He scoffs.

"Scum bag." He rolls his eyes.

"So far my plan is to either run away every time u see him or move to France. And I don't know French so-"

"I mean you could always learn-" He says.

"Yeah but I'm too lazy-"

Danny laughs.

"Of course you are."

"Hey what's that supposed to mean?!?" I say.

He chuckles and shakes his head.


"Uh huh. Sure." I cross my arms

Danny shakes his head and laugh, hanging his arm around my neck and walking me home.

We make it to my house and we stop at the door.

"You never told me why you came." I said.

"Oh right. I left my charger here the other day. I came to come get it back and I didn't think you would be far so I just kind of wandered about until I bumped into you." He said.

"I mean makes sense. But you could have just called me you know." I said.

"How am I supposed to call you when my phone is dead and my charger is at your place." He raises his eyebrow.

"Touché. Anyways come in and get your charger."

He nods and goes into my house with me.

Your real friends are the people who are there for you no matter what. Through thick and thin. The people who will do anything to make sure you're happy. Who will put your happiness as one of their priorities. Who will stay by your side through the good and bad times. Real friendship is one of the few things that last. I didn't have that until Kayla, Addie, and Danny came into my life.
Ayyyeee long time no seeee. I've been getting so many requests for me to update this book and guess what? HERE'S YOUR UPDATE! Sorry it took so long! I've been so busy with school and other things. I also had major writers block. But it's crazy how much this book has blown up and I'm so thankful for you guys. 3k may not seem like much but it's huge for me. So thank you!!

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