•Chapter 3•

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Briana POV
One year after Asher and I got into that fight, he moved to a different state.

In that year, Asher and I didn't talk to each other, not even once.

It was as if we completely forgot each other.

Like we were never in each other's lives to begin with.

You would never see us smile or greet each other when we passed by in the halls anymore.

We would just ignore the other existence.

He hasn't changed one bit, a week after we got into the fight, he broke up with Amara.

And of course ,not long after, he got together with another girl, Paige.

They lasted for a little, but eventually broke up of course.

But, for me, the fight took a big toll on me.

I was a mess.

My depression was worse than it had ever been.

I would never leave my room.

My parents had to force me to eat or get up from bed.

It took more than 2 months to start getting back to being my old self.

The self that always laughed, smiled, and made sure everyone was happy.

Became a person that was sad, quiet, and would ignore anyone who came her way.

The only exceptions being Adelina, Danny, and Kayla.

They were the ones who brought me back to the happy person I was.

They were the ones who gave me the motivation I needed.

If it wasn't for them, I don't know who I would be.

Probably a completely different person.

The day that Asher announced he was moving to Florida, I didn't even mother to say goodbye or talk to him.

I just let him go.

No goodbyes, no I'll miss you, and no I'm sorry.

Just nothing.

Like it didn't even matter.

He just left on bad terms.

And I let him.

I didn't do anything to try and revive our friendship.

It was like I didn't even want to be his friend again.

And in all honesty, I don't think I did.

I realized that he never cared about me the way I cared about him.

It was always me putting in all the effort.

Always me being the one to apologize when we got into a fight.

Always me to be there when he needed help.

I was done being the one doing all the work.

I thought that he should be the one to apologize, and he never did.

So he left.

And that was it.

We never got in contact again.

Well....not never again.

Because, remember, when things end, it's just the start of something else.

It doesn't matter if it's tomorrow, or 20 years from now.

It will happen, eventually, on its own time.
Hey guys! Here is another edited chapter for you! This one actually didn't take that long. I'm happy I'm finally editing all these chapters because my writing was just not good back then, thankfully I've gotten so much better over the years and actually know how to use proper grammar now. Anyways, with that being said, I'll see you in the next chapter. Byyyyye 😌✨

Word count: 522

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