•Chapter 2•

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Briana POV
September 5th, 6 years later

First day of freshman year.

A lot has changed since elementary.

Jasmine changed schools in our first year of middle school.

We talk to her sometimes, but not often.

People grow apart, that's just life.

It's just been Asher and I since.

The new atmosphere intimidated me, so I decided to just stick with Asher.

There were very few familiar faces around.

The majority of the students at our old school went their separate ways into new ones.

Over the years, Asher has developed into more of a player.

He's dated a lot of girls since elementary, always breaking up with them not long after.

Then onto the next.

I never let it phase me, even though I have feelings for him.

It's no secret that I do, Asher is fully aware of it.

His happiness means more to me than my own.

As long as he's happy, I'm happy.

We never let my feelings for him affect our friendship.

Although, there was one time where he was the one broken up with.

He dated this girl named Kelly, their relationship actually lasted for a good amount of time because he actually did like her.

Just like the majority of the students, she was one of my friends, so she told me the reason why she broke up with him.

She apparently just lost interest after a while.

She didn't want to be like the other girls, so she broke up with him before he could break up with her.

She was actually really nice, and I kind of understood where she was coming from.

Asher ended up taking it really hard, but I was always right there by his side when he needed me.

Anyways, that was just a small recap of what's happened since elementary.

The bus finally arrived and I boarded it, sitting right next to Asher, as always.

Him and I actually don't live that far apart from each other.

"Ew, you're here." I scoffed.

"Didn't know they let monsters on this bus." He retorted.

"Ha ha, you're so funny." I rolled my eyes.

"What can I say? I'm hilarious." He chuckled.

"Full of yourself is what you are." I laughed.

I sit down next to him and take one of his earbuds, listening to music with him.

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