I have an Idea

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So starting right now or whenever this gets uploaded, I'm asking people to create an OC so they can get a feature in the next chapter. Whether it be obviously copied character or a absolutely ridiculous person. It doesn't matter. But if you do plan on creating one then either message me or comment it below. The winner will have their character in a chapter or 2 and get a shout out. The OC must have these few specifications though:

-Not a villain role (OC will help people)
-No unbelievable power (no powers near god like)
-Must be around the same height as Bendy, Mickey, and Oswald (so around 4-5 ft?)
-MUST be a cartoon character
-Can be a animal/creature but only creatures/animals that most people like me would know of
-You have 5 days to make an OC

Other than that the creativity is yours. I will check daily to see what people have came up with. I'm going to choose a OC that I think I find funny and best for the story and place them in a chapter or 2. So let's see if you can create the best OC. If you need some explanation of the rules just let me know. Good luck!

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