Chapter 16

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Mickey's POV:
After me and Oswald decided to find the 5 other objects and decided it was best that we split up. So I went one way and Oswald went the other. I went into a few rooms and ended up finding the wrench.

Another few rooms and nothing. Another few rooms and still nothing. I'm starting to get annoyed. Wait... THESE ARE THE SAME ROOMS I BEEN SEARCHING THE ENTIRE TIME?!?! Mother F%#%$#! Well that would explain the amount of nothingness I been finding.

I went into a new room and ended up finding the plush. I inspected it and it didn't really look that creepy. In fact... It looks Adorable! I just want to keep it!

After staring at the plush for about 5 minutes, I heard a loud scream coming from one of the halls. I ran to the source of the noise with the wrench and plushie in my hands. I peeked behind a corner and see this.

I see another cut out and a shivering rabbit on the floor. I approached the rabbit with a disappointed look. "For Disney's sake Oswald, it's not real."

He looked up at me with a frown. "You don't know what I've seen Mick. You don't know what I've seen." "Whatever, did you find some parts?" "Yep, I found the gear, record disc and the jar of ink"

"Wow really? Cool now we have all the items. Let's go back to the room of podiums." Oswald nodded and we went back.

After we placed the items on the podium, they all levitated floated. I looked around and saw a big lever with a panel next to it. The panel read 'LOW POWER'. Oswald came next to me told me that he saw a room with a projector in it and we should investigate it.

When we got to the room, I went behind the corner and jumped. I saw the same cutout from before standing there. I heard laughter behind me and turned around to see that damn rabbit laughing at me. I gave him a punch to the shoulder and moved on.

We investigated the room and found a power button. I pressed it and the projector came to life. It was showing a dancing ton with okay graphics. I think our animations a bit better. But it was time to turn on that machine.

Oswald's started to act weird. I asked him what's wrong, but he shushed me. His ears were twitching, which meant he was trying to hear something. But then it stopped, I guess he couldn't here it anymore. We shrugged it off and went back to the room. He told me he heard the sound of wood being nailed down, like someone was boarding something up.

Oh well, anyways it's time to turn on the machine.
A/N: I'm sorry I'm not posting chapters more often. Theres just been so much drama at school, like theres Band, relationship, and fights going on. I just can't find the time to work on this. But don't worry, I haven't lost interest yet. I'm trying to work on the next chapter, so just be patient y'all. And that's it for now, and as always, I will see you... In the Next Chapter... BUH-BYE!!!!!!

Bendy meets Mickey and OswaldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora