Son of a Bendy (A/N:Sorry guys)

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I dont really know how to say this but... the chapters are going to be delayed a lot now.

Let me explain: so I had my chapters ready to post a few weeks ago. But for some dang reason, Wattpad decided to not work and just erased my 1 month worth of chapters. So I'm going to have to start from scratch with the new chapters. Dont worry, the ones already posted were still there. But I have to work on my chapters again.

I'm sorry you had to wait so long and have to wait even longer. But Wattpad decided to screw me over and so I have to restart from where I left off last time. I had like 4 chapters that were all long and now I have remember what I put in them before they got erased.

So if you're still waiting, I'm sorry. But I'm going as fast as I can. I need to remember what i wrote and then rewrite it. Hopefully Wattpad doesn't screw me over again.

So sorry for the inconvenience, but it shouldn't be that long. Now I should get back. So I'll see you guys later.

And as always I will see you. In the Next Chapter, BUH-BYE!!!

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