"Well Nicole, Malcom is a strange person and to be honest. If ends up rejecting you, he's making a mistake," he said.

"And how do you know that? You don't know me. All you know is that I'm a monster. Something that wasn't supposed to put into this world. I've killed so many people. What stopping me from killing you?" I question him. He stood up so he was face to face with me.

"Because if you were going to kill me, you would have killed me already," he said. I roll my eyes and slumped onto the hard, cold ground.

"Yeah I'm weak and vulnerable right now. I would have totally tried to kill you while toy could easily beat me," I say sarcastically.

"You've seen me twice. Once in the trees and another time when you met Malcom," he said.

"And you haven't yet so if I don't make you angry, hopefully I'll keep living," he said with a cheeky smile. I give a small grin and roll my eyes.

"Just play your cards right and you won't end up on my list of dead people," I told him.

"I'm planing on it," he said. I roll my eyes with a smile on my face and shook my head. He sat back down and I sit down with him.

"I've heard myths of the tribrid—" his voice cut off and I couldn't hear anything. All I could see was his mouth. The familiar pain started like a wildfire in my stomach.

"Hey are you okay?" His voice finally pierced the silence. I felt my eyes glow a bright green. (Refer back to prologue for eye color meanings).

"It's hurts," I whimper as I hold my stomach. I felt my powers coming back up. Being stirred by the immense pain my body was in.

"Damn horny wolf," he growled. He did something with the lock and swung the door open.

"No, stay away," I said backing up. I felt the tears go down my face and drip onto the floor. "I can hurt you. Y-you need to get out of here."

"Shut up and listen to me," he said. I grab my head and scoot back against the wall. I whimper as the pain spreads.

"Don't focus on the pain focus on my voice," he said. I felt my breathing become staggered and the worst pain I've ever felt in my life coursed through my body. I let out a scream and then I felt my body hit something then, darkness again. I really just want to go home.

Beta Lucas White's POV
I watch Nicole let out a scream and I saw a wave of energy release from her body. I pushed me back into the silver bars.

"Fuck," I mumble as I pull myself of the burning silver.

"Guards," I yell for them. I let out a grumble, irritated at Malcom. I see them rush down and stand in front of the door.

"Take her to the pack hospital and get Doctor Lauren to treat her," I ordered then. I rolled up the sleeves of my shirt and stormed out of the dungeon.

I stormed into the pack house then into Malcom's office. I saw Morgan laying on his couch and Malcom buttoning up his shirt.

"Morgan leave," I ordered with a growl. She let out a huff. She can refuse an order from the Beta King.

"You inconsiderate horny wolf," I growled at him as I slammed the door. He rolled his eyes and slumped down in his office chair.

"You can't go one day without having sex with that slut," I said frustrated. He rolls his eyes again and adjusts his tie.

"And what does it matter to you Lucas," he asked me as he starts to take papers out a file.

"You know that slut is just using you to get to the Luna position and she knows if she becomes Luna she'll be the Queen of all Lunas," I told him. He focused on the papers in front of him.

"If you had any other mate they would have died already. You locked your mate in a cell and left her to be killed alive while you're having your fun. Let her go. You know you don't want her already so why don't you let her go?" I ask him. He slammed his fists into the table and stands up, causing the chair to fly back and his the wall behind him.

"You have no idea what I know," he growled.

"Then what Malcom? You're going to keep her in that pathetic cell. She's refused to eat. Therefore she hasn't eaten in a week. If you drain her of her blood she'll go into desiccation. She wants a mate and you can't give that to her. Reject her then she doesn't have to go through the pain every time you cheat on her. She has a chance to find a second chance. You don't want to end up like your dad. Cheating on your mom. At least it's not as bad since y'all haven't mated yet."

He let out a growl and he threw a pen at me. I quickly dodged and followed it until it stuck itself into the wall. I slowly look back at him and his eyes were glowing golden.

"I'm nothing like my dad," he growled.
So I had time to right this past few days so here's a chapter!

I've been asking this question but haven't been getting responses. If I made a social media platform for my writing updates and stuff. Would you be interested in Instagram or Twitter?

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