Chapter 31: The Dream

Start from the beginning

"Thank you!" Nicholas mumbled, his voice was, for the first time, harmonic. 

Nicholas flung his arm Sunray's waist, pulling her into a loving hug.  Nicholas was actually grinning, crying and hugging. Peter was more surprised than the others. He'd known Nicholas for a long time, but never saw him like this. 

Nicholas looked at his friends and held out his arm, signaling them to join him. Monica, Judy and Peter rushed in, and together finally held each other as if there was no tomorrow. 

"Thank you! Thank you!" Nicholas breathed.

"Friends forever?" Peter asked.

"Friends forever!" The rest cheered.

Nicholas broke the hug. "Let's eat! I'm hungry!" rubbing his hands together.

Just looking at the cake brought hunger to all in the room. Nicholas cut the first piece of cake and began devouring it from his hand. Ama was about to cut the second but Peter stopped her, smirking mischievously.  

"Does anyone still remember how we celebrate our birthday when the birthday person cuts their cake?" He cut one small piece and placed it on a gold plate.

Monica and Judy each gave a great grin, while Sirus and the queens looked confused.

"Who would like to do the honors?" Peter asked both Monica and Judy.

"Me." Judy squealed, raising her hand up.

Peter handed the cake to Judy. She stood next to Nicholas and placed one arm around him, while the other was busy holding the cake.

"What are going to do?" Said Nicholas, raised one of his eyebrows. 


Judy smashed Nicholas' face with the plate, rubbing it until his face and half his hair were smeared in chocolate vanilla. Monica and Peter both shut their lips with both hands before they had a chance to laugh hysterically.  The rulers with Sunray's eyes widened and their jaws were dangling open. 

Nicholas removed the cake from his face with one hard wipe from head to chin. "Think this is funny, then?" He said, eyeing Judy, who was trying to hold her smirk. Everyone was expecting Nicholas to throw a fit. But they didn't expect him to do this. With a smirk, he pulled Judy closer to him with his clean arm before smeared her face with a cake. Judy let out an exaggerating squawk of joy.  She grabbed a large chunk of cake and threw it at Nicholas, though, Nicholas ducked in time, and the cake hit Monica's face. Peter laughed at Monica's face, so she took the frosting from her face and threw it at Peter's chest.

Within five seconds, every inch of the cake was flying across the room, landing on everything and everyone. Each person seized a piece, throwing it at each other. Even the rulers were acting like children, giggling and running around the table. 

"That's cheating!" Monica giggled, covering her face as Judy used her water power to hose her opponent. 

After what felt like an hour of laughter, running and fighting, everyone hugged and said goodnight to Whiterose and Sunray before they left the treehouse. The rest went to the privy chambers to wash off.

"Mate, that was the greatest surprise party ever." Said Nicholas, then he took off his shirt.

"It really was." Said Peter, who was already in the tub full of hot water.

"Can't believe Judy hit me with the cake." Nicholas scoffed sitting beside Peter in the tub.

"It's what we do to birthday boys." Peter shrugged. 

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