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Nico’s POV

We ran into the infirmary, Percy almost hitting the doorframe in his hurry, to see Haley. “Dakota…Dakota…Please wake up…I need you, I want you to stay….I love you Dakota.” I stood, watching my sister cry over Dakota’s body, “Dakota…Please…Dammit Dakota Truman, wake up!!! I love you!!! Please…just wake up…please…” Alex turned to me with tears in her eyes. I cradled her head against me as she sobbed into my chest.

I rested my cheek on Alex’s hair and tried to subside my own tears, when all of the sudden, “Da-Dakota? DAKOTA!!! Oh my god, Dakota you’re alive!!!”

I looked up as Alex spun around to see Haley hugging the life out of Dakota. “Haley calm down, you’re crushing me,” Dakota said with a light laugh.

Haley spun around to see all of us standing there, watching. As soon as she spotted Alex I quickly moved aside. “Thank you! Thank you so much!!! I’m sorry for what I said, please forgive me! You’re not a bad person! You’re a wonderful, smart girl! Forgive me!” She exclaimed, hugging Alex with almost as much force as she had with Dakota.

I smiled, “Apology accepted….You’re crushing me,” Alex said.

“Oops, sorry,” Haley said, wiping tears from her face.

She ran over to wear Percy and I were standing, hugging us as well.                                                                

After she finished her little hug fest, we all walked over to sit beside Dakota’s bed. “How do you feel?” Haley asked, caressing Dakota’s face with the back of her hand.

Dakota hesitated, “ummm…I’m not sure. What happened exactly?”

Haley’s eyes started to water at the memory, “You…” she couldn’t get the words out.

I put my hands on Alex’s shoulders, “you had died, but Alex, Percy and I brought you back to life again,” I said, covering for my sister with a smile.

“I…I killed you by accident when I tried to summon the dead,” Alex said. I could tell she was still upset, so I leaned down to whisper in her ear, “He’s okay Alex, He’s alive. I love you, Alex,” which seemed to calm her down a little.

Dakota smiled, “It’s perfectly OK. I know you didn’t mean to. Besides, you brought me back didn’t you? I’m grateful.”

Alex walked towards him, but then hesitated and took a small step back, “Oh thank you! You don’t know how much that means to me!”

Alex walked back over and I embraced her in a hug, and whispered, “See? It all worked out fine. You did wonderful, my angel,” and I kissed the top of her head, while I rubbed her back comfortingly.

After a moment Dakota said, “Anyways…Did you mean it?”

That confused all of us.

Haley grabbed his hand, “Mean what?”

Dakota smiled at the memory, “When you said you loved me.”

Haley blushed, but continued to look at Dakota, “you heard that?”

“Let’s go,” Percy whispered in my ear.

We walked outside, and I was about to walk Alex back to the cabin when I saw Percy watching Haley and Dakota through the window. I smiled evilly, and walked over to join him.

About that time, Alex turned around to see where I had gone, “Nico! Percy! Are you guys seriously spying on them?!” she sounded outraged, so Percy and I turned around. We looked over at her for a moment and moved away from the window.

Alex walked over and peered into the window. I laughed, and Percy said, “Hey now! You just got onto us for spying!”

Alex turned around with a serious expression, “No. I merely asked if you guys were seriously going to spy on them. I never said I had a problem with it,” she then flashed a brilliant, evil, smile, “Now shush! I want to know what they are saying!” and went back to looking in the window.

I laughed and walked back over to Alex, putting my arms around her waist. She twisted around a little to see my face. “Did you not already learn something from eavesdropping?” I said with a laugh. She glared at me, but I could tell she found this amusing.

“That was different,” she said with a smirk.

I laughed, “I don’t see how,” I said kissing her on the lips.

“Alright you two, I can’t hear,” Percy said, but I could tell he found us cute.

Luckily, since Alex was only about 5’2, Percy and I could easily look over her head and through the window.

We watched and listened for a minute to no avail. There was no way we could hear them, but we continued to watch anyways. That is, until something banged on the other window a few feet down the building, and scared the snot out of us.

Percy jumped, and moved behind me, Alex screamed, and I said “dude! What the crap?!” and jumped a little.

We all looked over at the other window at the same time to see Leo, a son of Hephaestus, (and a prankster!) laughing hysterically, with his friend Piper, and her boyfriend Jason.

They calmed down after a few minutes and walked over to where we were, “Spying?” Jason said. Piper shook her head disapprovingly, “How rude can you guys be?” she said. Then they all looked at each other, and then back at us before saying, “May we join you?” simultaneously, all three grinning.

[[[Thanks Ash for letting me use your characters!]]]

My life as a demigod: PushOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora