Infirmarys. A hot guy. A mystery. And a pretty epic cabin.

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Infirmarys. A hot guy. A mystery. And a pretty epic cabin.

Camp...halfblood...he had to be joking. No. No, it can't be real....can it? Is it possible that all fantasies aren't fantasies at all? Could this be a dream? No, it was too realistic to be a dream. Maybe another hallucination? Yes, that must be it. So I thought...

I don't remember passing out, but I woke up in a strange room filled with several bed cots. Guess the realization that camp halfblood actually existed was a bit much for me to handle. I suppose Nico probably carried me up here, but it really doesn't matter I guess. I propped up on my elbows and started to look around when I saw Nico and another boy, a really hot boy, standing a few yards away.

They were close enough for me to hear, but had their backs turned; plus for me. It sounded like they were arguing over something. "She is. I know she is," Nico said. "How can you be sure?" the cute boy responded. "I...I can't explain. I just know," Nico said, with a nervous tone in his voice. "Well," said the cute boy, "let me know what you find out," and then he left.

I lay back down just in time, because Nico turned around and walked over to me. I acted like I was stretching and staring at the ceiling but I don't think he bought it.

He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes; he still had an anxious look on his face. "You okay?" he asked, taking my hand and helping me stand upright. I swayed a little, and he had to catch and steady me. "Yeah, I guess. Maybe a little dizzy," I said, as he put his arm around my shoulders and helped me walk out. Nico laughed, "I can tell," he said walking me towards the door.

"um...what happened? Where am I? I don't remember anything," I said, even though I knew what his answer would be.

"That was the infirmary," he said, not making eye contact. "You passed out on half blood hill," he said with a small laugh, and then looked over at me.

"On...what? What did you just say?" Okay, now I was just kind of playing dumb...I knew where we were, whether I believed it to be real or not was invalid, yet I pretened otherwise.

"Half blood hill," he said. "You're in camp half blood right now," he went back to looking forward.

Half blood hill. Half blood hill...I still couldn't process this piece of information. I blame it on my constant hallucinations.

I tried to remember the facts. I remembered a tree. A dragon. Well, at least I was pretty sure it was a dragon. The was all here. Just like in the books.

"Yes, this place is real," he said, by now we were almost to the cabins.

"How did you know that was what I was thinking?" I asked, still a little dizzy from my fainting spell.

"The look on your face. I see that every time we get a new camper who thought this was all just fantasy," he said, and we stopped in front of a cabin with skulls and greek fire which I recognized to be cabin of Hades. It was beautiful in a kind of eerie sort of way.

"This," nico said, turning to face me, "is my cabin. The cabin of Hades,"

Wow. He had told me his name was Nico, but it wasn't until that moment that I realized he was THE Nico. Nico Diangelo. Son of Hades. I couldn't decide if I was excited or totally freaked out.

"You're...I mean....and that's," I rambled on looking back and forth between him and his cabin.

"You're not gonna pass out again, are you?" he said with a teasing laugh.

"Oh, funny..." I said. After realizing I had gained back most of my sense of balance I walked over to the door of the cabin. I was about to open it, but paused. "May I?" I asked, looking over my shoulder at Nico. "Of course," he mumbled something else but I had already walked inside and didn't hear him. It wasn't until later that I realized what he had just said would change my life forever.

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