Barbie Doll

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The very moment, a smile appears,
Then a glance of approval appears,
By the very moment they see her or it,
A girl with flawless skin, really fit.
How sweetly people call,
"Beautiful Barbie Doll!"

None saw that same skin, flawless,
Was so fake! Plastic and lifeless.
None saw the sleek locks priceless,
Was inside tangled and a real mess.
None saw that her seductive short dress,
Only made her an insecure Princess.

Sharon Mathew

This is a twelve line poem that I wrote for every women, especially models. Maybe not all can relate but I feel like many are seen like an object. So I thought I should write this. You can wear whatever you want to. Maybe this doesn't go well with everyone but I bet some women can relate.

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