Day 14: Reassurance

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Fandom: Splatoon


"Rina, what are you doing? We're going to be late to pick up Aria from the sleepover...Marina, why is the entirety of our closet on the bedroom floor," asked Pearl, entering the bedroom she shared with her octo wife of seven years. All of Marina's clothes were strewn haphazardly all over the room, and there she was sitting on the bed, in her comfy long shirt, looking miserable.

Marina looked at her and he knew that she was going to start crying. Pearl was never too good with emotions, even after working on her relationship with Marina and falling in love with her. She didn't like it when the women she loved cried. It was an utter travesty. Pearl went to her side and put her hand, awkwardly on top on her head.

"Darling? What's the matter?"

"I'm fat!"

Pearl blinked. "Uh, what?"

"Nothing fits," cried Marina, gesturing to the clothes. "I should just stay here."

Pearl  raised an eyebrow. "Marina, you are not fat. You're pregnant, there's a difference." Pearl forgot how emotional she got when she was pregnant. When Marina was pregnant six years ago, her mood swings were out of control. Thankfully, she was only like that when she was pregnant.

Marina looked pitifully at him. "I hate the maternity clothes, they're ugly."

"Of course they are," replied Pearl, easily. "But you make anything look good."

"Hah, I know what you're trying to do, sweet-talker," said Marina, sniffling but teasingly. Pearl was not good with her words. Pearl wasn't even sure how Marina fell in love with an awkward inkling like her and how he was raising a son who was so joyful and friendly.

"Aria's gonna want to see you after two days away from her Momma," said Pearl, gently.

"And didn't Pearlie buy you a comfy outfit the other day?"

"I can't just wear that one all the time!"

"We just have to go to the MakoMart and back, it'll be fine. And if anyone got a problem, I'll destroy them," said Pearl.

Marina finally smiled. "You always threaten to destroy people for me. It's so cute. Alright, alright, I'm getting dressed. Kiss first, though."

"Greedy," muttered Pearl, leaning down to kiss her briefly on her lips.

"Ahhh, I'm so lucky, I have a handsome wife," said Marina, recharged and reassured it seemed. "Oh, I missed my baby Aria so much! I hope her had fun with Marie and Callie!"

"Hmm, I'm sure she did. And I'm sure they spoiled her rotten," said Pearl, sighing. "I wonder what they bought her now..."

Marina just laughed, as she located the outfit that Pearl gifted her the other day when the young lady visited in between missions, to put on said outfit. "We never have to buy anything for her, because our extended families go all out."

"I draw the line at Dawn buying an entire toy store out for Aria, again," muttered Pearl. Once Marina was finished dressing, they headed out of the room to go pick up their daughter. Pearl took Marina's hand in her and interlocked their fingers.

Pearl was the luckiest woman in the world.

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