Day 6: Prayers

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Fandom: Bendy and the Ink Machine


Melissa Francein, also known as "Sammy", had never been a religious woman. She'd seen how religion had destroyed the relationship between her sister and their parents. Their religious fervor had driven her to run away to America with the man who'd gotten her pregnant, who'd left her almost as soon as they got off the boat. She'd met someone else and was now happily settled, but it was undeniable that the actions of their parents had pushed Sherry to do things she normally never would have.

Besides, Sammy had no interest in currying favor with a man in the sky that she could neither see nor speak to. She believed in concrete things. Things she could touch and interact with. She believed in hard work and perseverance. But now...Now that she was trapped inside her own creation, doomed to an existence as a creature of ink...She rather felt like praying.

She'd heard that man William Afton preaching to other survivors in the rooms nearby. At first, Sammy had scoffed at hearing this. What use was faith in a situation like this? Perhaps that had simply been her hatred for her parents talking. They were long dead now, yet they still haunted her. The longer she was trapped in her ride, the more she found herself listening to the sermons William occasionally gave to his followers.

Sammy didn't particularly feel like bowing down and worshipping the Ink Demon, but she did start remembering back to her time in church when she'd been a child. Not everyone who'd been involved in the religion she now so loathed had been as terrible as her parents.

There had been a woman at the church who played the organ who had always been kind to her and her sister. While her parents had used religion to justify their supposed superiority, the organ lady had used religion to try and spread kindness and love.

"The good Lord didn't put us on this Earth to fight each other." She'd told her and Sherry once. "We're all God's children and He loves us, no matter what we look like or what we do."

While she didn't completely want to follow her advice on that subject, especially after what Michael had done to her, she did like the idea of a loving and kind God, one who was always watching over her. She took a shaky breath, casting her eyes skyward.

"Lord..." She said quietly. "I...I'm not sure if you can hear me, nor if you even care, but...I want to ask something of you." No one answered her. The only sound was that of dripping ink and the constant whir of her own machinery.

"Please...Please keep Sherry and her family safe." She hated the quaver in her voice, the way she choked up at the thought of the only people she dared to call family anymore.

"They deserve to be happy. Please, don't punish them for my sins." She knew she was in this position because of her own hubris. Had she just been able to walk away...Maybe Michael wouldn't have been able to do this to her. What a poor wretch she'd become. Her lips curled at the unbidden thought. Had she truly fallen so far that she was resorting to self-pity? She was the great Melissa Francein! She had to maintain at least some level of decorum.

"Soon, Mr. Afton, soon." She murmured, casting her gaze towards the door. "Soon you and I will meet once more. And then I shall have my vengeance."

I'm sorry Sherry...

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