• Chapter 21 •

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• Tyler •

I wanted to paint, but at the same time, I didn't. I knew if I started painting it would end up with me getting aggravated and I would spiral again. The hatred for my life would claw back into reality and I don't want that. Not when things were starting to get good. Not when I was starting to get happy.

So, I continued scrolling aimlessly through my phone hearing the automated voice reading out random tweets.

Sometimes I wish I was born blind. Then I wouldn't know what I was missing.

Even though I couldn't remember it, I knew it was beautiful.

I miss something that I don't even really remember, is that weird? Maybe it is, but after all, being blind isn't normal. I was told as much when I used to get picked on every day. They never forgot to remind.

A feeling of exhaustion overtook my body but I didn't want to sleep either. So instead I grumpily, decided that I should walk around for a while. Iris was at some party and as we have already established, I really don't do parties. Instead, I decided to stay at home. Not a great option either but definitely better than being surrounded by sweaty bodies of teenagers who I don't want to be in a 6-foot radius of.

As I pulled on my coat and grabbed my cane I couldn't help but let my mind wander to what Luca was doing. He had come over yesterday to help me with Spanish. It wasn't too bad, I wasn't a fluent Spanish speaker after one class but I think he could help me. After all his Spanish was incredible. The way the words rolled off his tongue so naturally was mesmerizing.

I pushed open the door and clicked open my cane. The sound of it hitting the concrete sidewalk filled the cold evening air. I didn't really know where I was going but I continued walking. I remembered the grocery store around the corner of the street, so, I decided to head there. My sense of direction wasn't the best but since Stacy and I had walked there before, I had a slight idea on how to get there.

"Tyler?" I heard someone say, though their voice sounded thick almost like they had been crying. I turned in the direction of the voice with my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"W-who is it?" I asked, biting my lip nervously. I was scared. I couldn't really defend myself if they decided to jump me.

There was no reply, instead muffled sobs filled the silent street. My heart was pounding inside my chest as I slowly approached them. "Hey, it's okay," I whispered, taking careful steps.

"T-Tyler," they sobbed and suddenly they had wrapped their arms around my body. I flinched at first then I realized who it was; Iris. A strong smell of alcohol burned my nose. She was drunk.

I wrapped my arms around her small frame, rubbing soothing circles on her back with my free hand. "It's okay, it's gonna be okay," I said, softly allowing her to bury her head into my chest. I felt her long hair entangle with my fingers.

Her sobs were muffled by my shirt and I could feel her tears soaking through the fabric. "What's wrong?" I asked, once her sobs had turned to soft sniffling.

She peeled away from me."It's Mark. I hate him."

"Iris," I sighed, pulling her back into a hug and I heard her take a sharp breath.

"Why can't I get over him?" She asked, her voice cracking painfully.

"It's okay," I mumbled, words failing me. I didn't know what to say.

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