• Chapter 39 •

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• Tyler •

I looked everywhere for him at school but I couldn't find him. I tried to reach him in every way I could think of but he wasn't replying to my text or calls. I was falling apart not knowing where he was or what was going on. Just thinking about what he was dealing it terrified me. I felt so guilty for just leaving him there. I knew I shouldn't have but I panicked. I always fucking panic.

I wanted to help, I wanted to be there for him, I should have never left him with his mom.

I shouldn't have left him.

"Tyler, he's at standing outside the school," Stacy rushed, panting heavily the chattering of the cafeteria suddenly fading into the background as my heart started pounding. I immediately got up from the table and started speed walking outside with Stacy next to me. "I'll wait here," she said, stopping outside the school door. I sent her a quick not nod before making my way outside.

"Luca?" I called out, desperately hoping he was there.

"Tyler, you need to leave," He hissed, his voice quiet.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice faltering slightly as I turned in the direction of his voice.

"I'm sorry, Tyler, I can't do this," he said, his voice wavering. I felt my heart drop. His previous nervous anger seemed to have fallen.

"W-What do you mean, Luca?" I asked, my eyes widening desperately.

"I'm so sorry," he said, followed by a sob. I pulled him into a hug, burying my head in his curls, not wanting to let go. I felt his tears against my shirt but he pulled away.
He pulled away too soon. "We can't-I can't be with you,"

"Luca, what do you mean?" I fumbled, my voice breaking. "Why are you doing this, Luca?"

"I'm sorry, Tyler," he said, and I felt his hands caress my face. "I-I can't hurt her again. I can't d-do that to her,"

"Luca, please don't do this. I'll help you figure something out. We can hide it better. Just please don't do this," I pleaded, tears streaming down my face.

"I-I'm sorry, Tyler. I can't," he mumbled, sniffling softly. I would do something, anything for this to not be real. This couldn't be happening. "I-I can't d-disappoint her again. She's my mother Tyler,"

I pulled him into a kiss, desperately pressing my lips against his, trying to get him to change his mind, but I knew that wouldn't. He wouldn't change his mind. He wouldn't choose me over his mom. I couldn't blame him but holy fuck this hurt.

He pulled away from me. "I'm sorry," he whispered before I heard his footsteps recede. I stood there, in shock, and confusion at what had just happened. I want to scream, I wanted to throw something but instead, I just stood, frozen in place with tears rolling down my face.

I heard the door open behind me and I heard Iris' voice but my mind seemed to not comprehend what was going on around me. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't help him. I couldn't do anything to help him. And now I couldn't even be there for him.

"Tyler, what happened?" Iris asked, shaking me and pulling me out of my daze.

A sob escaped past my lips. "He broke up with me," I whispered, trying to stop myself from completely breaking down but when Iris pulled me into a hug I couldn't stop. I cried onto her shoulder my arms tightening around her waist. "He broke up with me," I repeated, saying it out loud felt surreal. This was stupid, we didn't date for that long but it felt like a part of me was gone. A part of me left with him.

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