Chapter 6: Chills

Start from the beginning

"Loki, you're staring."  I adjusted my dress, pulled it down to cover some more thigh. 

What happened next was the fucking least I could've imagined. Loki rose from his seating position, walked towards me, knelt down in front my legs, which I had pressed tightly together as to not tempt this man any further. "Your... stocking." 

"What?" I blurted out. I looked down following where his eyes were. 

And no joke, I saw it. While aggressively pushing my left leg into the tights, they must've ripped open at where my calf was. I hadn't noticed it, eyes too weak and mind absolutely elsewhere. But a ripped stocking of mine would never go unnoticed past Loki's eyes. 

He raised his hand, put it over where the torn part was. I jumped, it was like an electric shock, but I felt it in my core. His eyes flared up green for a split second, and he withdrew his hand. My stocking was immaculate then. 

Something I'd never tell him, but I secretely adored these magic tricks of his. Not on me, of course, but in general. I was fascinated, and once again came to appreciate what an extraordinary man Loki was. 

He rose to his feet. "Thank you." I muttered, earned myself another smile, but a smile I couldn't quite read. He sat down next to me and self-consciously put an arm around me. I let him, he had done so much for my mental well-being, he had slept next to me, this was okay. I rested against him, worried for Tom.

"What if he had an accident on the highway? It's snowing outside, I hate this fucking cold. What if - "

"Hush." Just as self-consciously, Loki pressed his hand which rested on my shoulder to my mouth. No joke, my first thought was 'bitch?I had spent, like, ages putting this make up on. "Calm down, my dear."  I turned my face away, he understood and rested his hand back on my shoulder. His fingers played gently with my hair. 

"He will be alright."  Loki said, almost hypnotically staring into my eyes. You can't  doubt his words anymore once he looks at you like this. If Loki says something with so much expression and intensity, it had to be true.

Here was I believing the God of Mischief and Lies.

Don't get me wrong, but the intensity of his eyes was getting to much. I had goosebumps, partly because of the cold, because of his cold, and because of his gaze. It was uncanny, I didn't feel good. I stood up from beside him and walked across the room, trying to shake off this strange feeling.

I heard him following me,  I turned around.  My instincts were telling me to do something, but not what. He had an expression on his face I couldn't read. He approached me, but halted, turned his face to the glassy main entrance. His eyes gazed into a faraway place. What caught his attention? 

Whatever it was, it lasted a second or two. His expression darkened, but only sightly. I stayed where I was and watched Loki approaching me.

"What's wrong?"  Tears gathered in my eyes, I didn't know why. It was so cold, as if the temperature had dropped suddenly. Breathing became difficult, my dress was too tight. I started sweating. 

Loki came to a halt in front of me, too close. I didn't, couldn't back away. Was he playing my mind?

"Loki, if this is you, stop it now." 

"This?" His hypnotizing eyes flared up once more. It gave me the rest, the room spun around us. My ankles failed me, I raised my arm in an attempt to hold to him. He was faster, his hands locked around my wrists. 

"Caroline, do you think I do not see what you are doing?" Loki whispered, using the full power of his voice. 

My head would roll back any moment. I was so dizzy, so weak suddenly, so cold. "Loki, please - "

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