Ch.17 Savepoint

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Because of last night, Mara didn't get to bed late and was very grumpy as she arrived at work. June 21st, a Friday, aka lots of people and probably a rough night. Now that the fiasco was over she returned to a normal schedule, meaning she was going to be there until at least 11pm. She was mainly pissed off from lack of sleep but she's not going to lie that part of it was her fault for asking Jeff about the past. She understood now, some of the CP's didn't want to be there but learned to get used to it, maybe even love their home.

Even with the incident with Slender she could understand his reasons, he's scared that his family will be hurt. That is understandable, but why does the council want to stop her so much? Why force Slender to nearly kill her? Was it that...they wanted to kill the CP's off?

"Negative thoughts begone!"

"OW! The fuck Sam!?" Mara yelped as she rubbed her head.

Sam smirked at her and set the clipboard in his hand down on the counter. "You're mumbling, you look grouchy, and ready to kill someone."

"Gee, that sounds like a great person to hit." Mara grumbled and stood up straight.

"Seriously, are you ok? Was it about that guy that came in yesterday?"

"No not's nothing Sam." Mara shrugged.

"You say that but you look so much more..drained lately." Sam said in worry. "You're always tired, you sound upset more than normal, and you keep looking around as if you're being stalked."

"Alright so i'm a bit on edge." Mara huffed. "Seriously Sam, if I wasn't alright I would tell Alyssa and she would relay it to you."

"As always..but seriously, maybe you should take some more time off." Sam said as he made her a drink.

"No, I need to save up as much money as possible to pay my parents back."

"Mara do you really think they want money?" Sam chuckled, handing her the drink.

Mara gave a small smile as she took a sip then asked. "Sam, if..if there was a friend of mine who had a relationship problem what would you suggest?"

Sam raised a brow at her. "Well that's a broad question."

"Sorry, he broke up with his boyfriend years ago due to his..parents..but he and his boyfriend still love each other. But his parents would literally kill them if they got together." Mara tried to explain without giving too much away.

Sam tapped his fingers on the counter. "Well, eloping is always an option. But, they should stand up to their parents."

Mara resisted laughing, as much as she would love to see the CP's scold or attack the Council she knew it would be a bloodbath. "Um..well that's why I'm in on this, I want to stand up for them."

Sam sighed. "You are going to get killed Mara. if you want to do that I suggest having a stronger influence with you. A family friend of theirs or a child they actually listen to."

Mara nodded. "Alright that would work. I think. Thanks Sam."

Sam smiled and nodded before walking off to take care of the snacks in the kitchen. Mara thought to herself for a moment, Slender wouldn't be a bad influence. But then again she hasn't met the council, only knowing that they're a bunch of assholes. She'll have to come up with a plan later. It was only 1pm and with only a couple people she wasn't too worried about daydreaming. She barely registered the person in front of her before a hand was waved in front of her face.

"Hey, you awake?"

Mara blinked and looked down into black sockets, making her jump back and suppress a gasp. "Dear god Eyele- I mean, Jack. what are you doing here? And for that matter why do you not have a disguise?!"

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