An incidence

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Hi. I know you probably hate me. I would've hated myself too.... Actually, I do hate myself about not posting earlier. Sorry. But here is a chapter I thought I would never, actually post. So, I hope you'll enjoy. 


We went to Anna's room. While they went to Blaise's. And we got changed into our bikinis.

Anna's POV

Anna's bikini was green with white outlines.

Emily's bikini was red with white outlines

Then we went to our outside pool. We also have indoor one but it saw still warm outside. Boys were already there. But when we came there we didn't see anyone.

"Boys?" I yelled.
"Where are you guys?" Emily yelled.
"Maybe they ar-..." I started. But then I heard something in the pool. Me and Emily came closer to the pool. Then I felt that someone grabbed me and picked me up. I screamed, so did Emily. Then in a second or two I felt being thrown into cold water. Then I came closer to the surface of the pool. And saw two idiots laughing. I was mad.

Draco's bathing shorts were green with black sided lines.

Blaise's bathing shirts were the opposite, black with green sided lines.
"Who did that to me?" I said dangerously calmly.

Blaise pointed at Draco. Wait. No. Malfoy! Yup. NOT Draco! Malfoy!

I stretched my arm towards Malfoy gesturing to him to help me out. Then when he grabbed my hand. I pulled him to me with as much strength as I could do. Then the unexpected happened. Malfoy from the shock opened his mouth a little. And my and his face touched..and then we both went deeper into the water. We were looking into each others eyes. It felt like some electric shock was all around us. And we kissed.... this is not even close of how I imagined my first kiss... Yup I kissed Draco Fricking MALFOY!..but it was soft.. oh no..what's wrong with me?

Then we separated and surfaced. When I surface and I  felt like my face was getting on fire. I turn to Malfoy and see that his face is also blushing...he is blushing? Oh well..he looks really cute..with his hair..his hair is freely on his face..OMG what is wrong with me did I just though that Malfoy was cute?..I mean he was very popular in Hogwarts for his it's just normal for me to think that he is cute...right?

Emily's POV

Zabini through me into the pool! Like what?? Oh he is definitely getting my famous Bat-Bogey! I turn and I see Anna and Draco (I decided to call his by his name...I mean he is my brother) surfaced and they were blushing? What happened underwater? I turn to Zabini and see him jumping, I swim away so he wont jump on me. Even though I was quite far away from him, the water still splashed me..

"So what happened underwater that u two are blushing???" I ask. I look at Blaise and he also looks curious.

"Nothing!" Anna and Draco answered at the same time..and too quickly... still blushing

"Fine, but I'm going to expect an answer tonight from you." I say and point at Anna. She nods.

"You're it!" I felt a touch. It was like I got hit by an electricity. And I felt like I was warming up. I look around and see Blaise swimming away. Why do I heat up after his touch?... I swim up to Anna and pass it to her and yell "Anna is it!" We played tag in water for about an hour. Then we hear Mrs. Zabini call us to go eat lunch.

We went to the dinning room. There sat Mrs. Zabini.

"Hello mom, where's dad?" Blaise asked.

"Oh he got a call, so he needed to go and check it out. You know how he cares about the hotels, especially in the muggle London" Mrs. Zabini answer with a chuckle.

"Wait you have hotels in the muggle London too?" I asked.

"Yup" Blaise answered my question.

"And so do we actually, Zabini Corp. and Malfoy Corp. are kind of rivals, but even though they are doesn't mean that our parents don't get along" Draco said.

"Cool" Emily said.

"Huh, I guess there are thing I didn't know before" Anna said. My brother and his best mate chuckled.

"Did the mail come in yet?" Blaise.

"Oh yes! I almost forgot!" His mother replied and went out of the dinning room. We all looked at each other confused. Then she walked in with two letters and said "There were two letters that came today. They are for you, Blaise, and Anna. They have Hogwarts symbols." His mother replied as she handed the letters to twins.

"From Hogwarts? That's a little weird..." Anna said as she started to open the letter and took out the parchment and started to read out loud.

Dear Ms. Zabini,

      I am pleased to inform you that students like yourself will be welcomed to redo their 7th year of education at Wizarding School of Witchcraft and Wizardly  You and your class will be joined by students year younger than your class. Please send me your answer by August 28th.

Headmistress, Minerva McGonagall

"Its an invite to redo our 7th year! And Emily will be in our year!" Anna exclaimed.

"Yes! Now we are going to be in the same classes." I exclaimed.

"So what do you guys want to do this afternoon?" Blaise asked. 

"What about playing quidditch?" Draco asked. 

"Good idea." I said. 

"Yeah, you guys are on your own." Anna said. 

"What? Come on! Seriously?" I ask.

"Yup, you three go and play, but I'm going to find the library and a nice corner to read there." Anna said. 

"Party pooper." I said and squinted my eyes at her. She just gave me an innocent smile.

Anna POV

"Bye guys." I called after them.

"Bye sis." Blaise waved. 

"Bye Anna" Emily called back. 

"Bye Zabini" Malfoy called back.

I ignored him. 

I found a huge library, it was as big as a house, probably even bigger. I found an interesting book, there was a nice cozy corner near the window. I sat there and read the book.

A few hours passed. And I only noticed that because my legs started to hurt. I was more then half done with the book. I look at the clock it was 4:30 pm. My brother and Malfoys were probably done playing. 

An elf popped in. "Hello Ms. Zabini."  she said. 

"Hi. What is your name?" I asked.

"My name is Amy." She replied.

"Nice to meet you Amy." I said smiling, 

"Mr. Zabini, Mr. and Ms. Malfoy are done playing quidditch, they went to take showers. So, Ms. Zabini is asking for you, she needs some clean clothes." Amy Said.

"Okay, thank you for telling me." I replied and stood up. She disappeared. I put the book back on its shelf and walked to my room. There I found Emily.

"Hey Emily. How was the game?" I asked. 

"Great. Sadly you weren't there." She replied, then she asked. "Do you have any clothes I can borrow?"

"Yup, you can look through my closet for something." I tell her.

"Thanks. My parents are coming in like half an hour." She said.

"Okay, let's get ready then." I tell her.

"Yup." She agreed. 

Hello everyone, hopefully you liked this chapter. I'll try to post another chapter as soon as I can.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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