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okay i know im a horrible ass author no explanations needed 

3 AM and your still awake, you cant help but think about taehyung, the look he had and how he was right. You've been tossing and turning for 5 hours straight thinking about well everything. The kingdom, your parents, taehyung and everybody else and of course the envelope. 

For some odd reason you got two envelopes, different linings. What does it mean? Who's it from? 

You cant help but wonder...

I'll get you out of here princess, don't worry. I'm sorry we had to leave your parents, but I promise i'll look after you.


"Shit, i'm sorry I wasn-" you say with a heavy breath but get cut off 

"You've been getting these dreams a lot lately, are you okay? you know i'm always here for you right seo yoo?" Min Seo says as she holds your hand

"Its okay Min Seo, I'm fine don't worry and yes of course i do know that. These are just weird dreams, probably just my imagination running wild" you say with a smile 

*sigh* "If you say so, well we have an hour before breakfast we should get ready, we don't want manager nim to yell at us again for being late" she says with a chuckle 

"Alright maam lets get ready" you answer 

At the breakfast lounge

you were having a peaceful breakfast with the girls, everything was normal, by normal i mean dead silence. 

Min Seo and Lisa tried breaking the ice but it was no use

The silence gets interrupted by your manager coming in and blabbing about the party 

You wanted to listen but your mind just wandered else where 

That dream what was it? was it really just your imagination? you couldn't see anything but a man, a blurred face of a man. His voice was so soothing and so familiar but you had no idea who he was. Of course your mind was also still onto something else

yes the envelope, what was the other one for?

You wanted to ask your manager so bad but you knew that could be a a bad thing so you decided to just keep silent and nod to everything she says 

After Breakfast

You are now sitting on your bed waiting for Min Seo to finish her shower 

The party starts at noon and you have to get ready as soon as possible, you listened to Min Seo get hyped for the party as soon as you both left the lounge, and honestly you didn't care about the party, it was just the envelope you cared about.

Then again you were also starting to get anxious because you'd be seeing the boys. Taehyung, he knows you're alive and hes obviously not happy and he can obviously tell everyone else, how long till everyone else knows? you have no idea 

everythings just messed up

getting lost in your thoughts as time flies by really isnt a good idea 

you were too busy with everything going on in your head, you forget whats happening around you and just like that you're now dressed and ready for the party thats gonna start in less than 10 minutes. 

I'm Stii Here (Exo, Bts,Seventeen ff)Where stories live. Discover now