Kidnapped pt.2🙃.!

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"So why you want us out of all people"Kiana said

"Bitch are you slow"He said said rubbing his bald head

"She might be slow but she ain't no bitch"Abrianna said

"Exactly witcho big monkey bald headed ass"Ciara said

"Awe no wonder why they fuck with y'all they need somebody tuff like y'all wait...they don't got y'all no more now I got y'all"The Boss said

"You don't got shit over here"Kiana replied

" you guys wanna be tuff right?"The Boss asked

"Never said that"Ciara said

"That's what y'all showing-I mean that's what I see"The Boss said

"That's what you see"Abrianna said

"Ight I tried to be nice"The Boss said

"Take them downstairs to the pain room"The Boss said

"Y'all don't even gotta touch us just lead where us want us to go"Kiana said as they all snatched from the 3 men

So they lead them to the pain room and as soon as they got in there it was 5 chairs

"Sit down"Trevell said and they did as what was instructed cuz they ain't feel like going back and forward

"Gimmie y'all phones"Trevell instructed,so Abrianna and Ciara gave him their phones

"You want mines to...oh wait mines broke I don't have one now"Kiana said and then he chained them to the chairs

So in no time the boss walked downstairs

"So y'all wanna tell me where they live or where they momma live oh wait let me be specific Bone only got a momma,Ace don't got a momma or a dad and ManMan only got momma and he don't even know if it's his real momma"The Boss said laughing like it was funny

The girls just looked at him with a blank face

"So now y'all can't talk but y'all had so much upstairs"The Boss said laughing walking to this closet doing a passcode

He pulled out a table with pliers,knifes,scissors,guns, and tasers.

"Whatchu finna do with that"Abrianna asked looking lost

"So where they live"The Boss asked putting gloves on

They just looked at him blank

"So I guess we doing it the hardway"He said picking up the knife
"Since you was the first one to speak I guess your going to be the first to get cut"The Boss said referring to Abrianna

He put a sock in her mouth,Kiana and Ciara tried to unhook theirs-selves from the chairs but it was pointless but they kept trying

He went straight to her stomach and cut her on the side but he didn't go deep he just keep swiping the knife all on the side of her stomach

"Ahhhhhhh"Abrianna screamed in pain as the sock came out her mouth
"Stoppppppppp"Abrianna yelled again

"Bitch shut up"He yelled

She wouldn't shut up so he just made one last cut but it was deep asf

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh"Abrianna screamed louder in pain

"So who's next"The Boss said wiping Abrianna blood off the knife with the towel

"Ahh you...Bone goes with you and he killed my right hand man last year so c'mon it won't hurt""The Boss said said referring to Ciara ofc

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