Chapter 8: The Tri-what now

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So there was no chance of Sebastian getting hurt

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So there was no chance of Sebastian getting hurt. Severus totally hadn't made changes to ensure his sons wellbeing. As much as a pocket sized Sebastian would probably be adorable , he wasn't taking any chances. Not this time. The fourth years got on with their task in relative silence bar the odd scraping of a piece of equipment, the bubbling of cauldrons or the squish of a caterpillar being sliced. Although Severus disliked most of his classes , if he was forced to choose a favourite class this would be it. Mostly because there was a handful of students who could make a decent potion. Namely his son , his god sort of sorts , the Adelinde twins ect. Then there was those too incompetent to follow a simple recipe with clear instructions. The most irritating being Weasley. Draco and Sebastian were busy making their shrinking solution. Draco kept glancing at Seb in mild concern. Sebastian looked pale except his cheeks which were flushed and his eyes were hazy. Severus noticed and was also worried but he hid it although he kept an extra close eye on Sebastian.
Draco could see Sebastian's hands trembling and became increasingly paranoid about Sebastian's health. The Adelinde twins also noticed. Destiel in particular was now even more determined to find out more about Sebastian , whatever was going on in his mind , he wanted to help. Because Slytherin's are fiercely loyal and protective of their own. Somehow Draco and Sebastian finished their potion without any complications but Seb still looked sick. Next they had transfiguration so severus sent a patronus message to Minerva informing her Sebastian would be slightly lately to class and that he was under suspicion that Sebastian was ill. As the other students filed out of the class Severus held Sebastian back. Draco paused slightly. "Go ahead for class Draco." Severus said in his slow deep tone although there was a slight consoling hint to it. Because despite (un)popular opinion , he was actually not heartless and knew Draco was incredibly worried. Draco nodded and gave Sebastian a quick peck on the cheek before exiting the room. Sebastian looked up at Severus. "Dad? What's wrong?" He asked , his brows furrowed in bewilderment. Severus let out a slow sigh. "Are you feeling okay son? You look...sick..." he spoke in his usual slow drawl , but it was warmer and kinder. Because he loved his son. Sebastian hung his head and shyly hugged Severus' chest burying his face there. "I don't know...I feel weird....I can't stop shaking and I don't know's not a panic attack but I don't know what it is..." Severus hummed in thought , but he couldn't think of anything that would warrant uncontrollable tremors. So he decided to just take Sebastian straight to Madame Pomfray. He guided Sebastian by the hand to the infirmary wing. Madame Pomfray tutted and shook her head. "Back already , as much as I love seeing you I'd rather it be in different circumstances." Sebastian smiled wryly as he sat on the bed and leaned back , allowing Madame Pomfray to examine him. She tutted at him again making Severus raise an eyebrow as in inquiry into the reason she was tutting at Sebastian. "Sugar rush. That's what's causing the uncontrollable shaking , plus he's extremely malnourished." She turned to Sebastian. "Honestly if you get any skinnier you'll cease to exist!" She said in indignation as she started gathering things. Severus caught Sebastian's gaze , causing his son to look away. "Sebastian? Anything you to tell me? Perhaps about your eating habits?" Sebastian pouted a little. "I'm still having trouble eating normally...if I try and eat more than a few mouthfuls I throw up...but because I'm not able to get enough energy from the food I fill myself with sugar and caffeine so I don't fall asleep in class...I didn't think I was consuming enough of it to give myself a sugar rush though." He mumbled softly but Severus still heard him. "M'sorry...are you mad at me...?" Severus felt a stab of pain stab through his heart at how much fear was in Sebastian's voice. His voice was shaking and Sebastian was trembling worse than before , a mixture of the sugar rush and fear. Sure it had only been a couple of months but Severus thought the boy felt safe with him. Apparently that was not yet the case. "I'm not mad....I understand. You should of come to me Seb. I'm your father and your well-being is my responsibility....I worry about you." Sebastian nodded leaning into Severus' embrace. "I promise no more secrets." Severus was glad to hear that , although something him Sebastian would forget about this promise. Madame Pomfray came over to them with a goblet that had a red and gold swirling liquid in it. She handed it to Sebastian. "Drink this. It's a meal replinishment potion , you need to take at least one a day , two if you skip a meal completely. They'll at least give you some nourishment and energy , so you don't need to get high on sugar~" she smiled softly. Sebastian giggled and took the goblet. "Bottoms up I guess." He necked the potion. "It doesn't taste that bad I guess. Salty and spicy. Kind of like salt and chilli fries." Severus blinked. "What in Merlins name is a salt and chilli fry?" Harry gasped in shock. "Only the best thing to ever exist. It's a muggle fast food that Dudley had once and I got really hungry so I stole one when he wasn't looking. I got a beating for it but it was totally worth it." Severus felt a little sick that Sebastian could say it was worth getting a beating for a single bloody chip. He sighed petting Sebastian's hair. Madame Pomfray was also disturbed that Sebastian seemed so calm talking about the fact he was beaten for taking food because he'd been starved. But she had a job to do and had to brush off her worry for now. "How have your injuries been? Fully healed? Any pain?" She asked him. Sebastian mulled it over for a little. "I think the injuries are all healed , I do keep getting aches and pains when it's really cold , especially the scars on my back. I get cold really easily , Is that normal?" "Well because your so thin. Yes it is. You're not able to regulate your body temperature. The cold will cause the scars to hurt a little , unfortunately I can't do much for that other than give you a painkiller potion. At least the Injuries are fully healed. Is it alright if I have a look?" Sebastian nodded weakly and took of his robes with help from his father. He laid on his stomach so she could examine his back first. Severus cringed at the sight Of the scars that littered his sons back. Long jagged ones , small thin ones , ones that formed vulgar words , the sight was enough to make him want to throw up , and he'd seen some grotesque things in his lifetime. He ran his hand through Sebastian's hair , not even noticing his hand was shaking as he did so. But Sebastian noticed. "Dad...? Your shaking...what's wrong?" Severus looked at him forlornly.
"Nothing I'm fine...just got lost in thought." He went silent after that , watching Poppy (Madame Pomfray) give Sebastian a check over. His injuries were all healed and there was no new cuts on his wrists which Severus was thankful for because me might actually start crying if Sebastian was self harming again. Then the final question came. The one Sebastian had been dreading. "Finally , how have you been mentally?" Madame Pomfray said softly. He tried to nonchalantly play it off. "I've been fine." "Sebastian , we can't help unless your open with us." Severus said sternly. Sebastian leaned back staring at the ceiling , a strange look in his emerald orbs. "Not great. I've been having nightmares every night , and I went insane on the Quidditch pitch...." Severus rubbed his Sebastian's shoulder. "In all fairness , You were provoked repeatedly , so you can't be too hard on yourself for that..." Severus tried to reassure Seb. Although he wasn't adept in comforting people. "Yeah but I've never acted like that before....I wanted to hurt him...badly...I'm not a violent person...but right then I wanted to make him suffer." He ran a hand through his hair , looking stressed. Severus and Madame Pomfray shared a look. Poppy wasn't sure what to really do to help with that , but she'd probably come up with something , but right now Sebastian needed to rest. "Do you want to go back to class or stay here and rest?" Severus asked him gently , he was knelt so he was level with Sebastian. "I miss Draco...and I don't want to miss a lot of lessons that I need to know , but I don't even know how I'm meant to transfigure anything when my hands won't stop shaking , and I know it's my own fault because I'm stupid b-but I didn't mean to..." he started to get upset with himself and pull on his hair. "Hey. Hey. Sebastian. Look at me." Sebastian weakly raised his head staring at Severus with tear filled eyes. "Stop stressing yourself out alright? Your not doing yourself any favours. Mistakes happen. You think I haven't made mistakes? I've made made plenty of them. What matters is learning from them and using that knowledge to your advantage. At least you know now that too much sugar will have negative effects , I've seen people do more incompetent things than you did so go easy on yourself. I'm telling you this as your father. Wether you believe it now or not is up to you , but I do care about you." Severus was honestly proud of himself right now. He wasn't one to give Pep talks and mushy speeches but he was pretty sure he had done a good job because he instantly felt Sebastian's bony , frail arms wrap tightly around him. Sebastian was crying and shaking but he was also smiling. Although it couldn't be seen as his face was pressed into Severus' chest. "I k-know...I love you dad...I really do..." he sniffled. Severus smiled slightly. "I love you too. Now personally I think it's a good idea for you to stay here and rest." "Yeah you're probably right..guess father knows best~" Severus let out a deep chuckle before standing up. "I'll get you a change of clothes." Seb just nodded in response and waited for Severus to return before changing into the black pjs that Severus fetched for him. He curled up on his side letting out a deep breath. Severus covered him with the blanket , and on a spur of the moment decision pressed a kiss to his forehead before exiting the medical wing leaning Sebastian in the care of Madame Pomfray , knowing he was in good hands. He spent the rest of his free period worrying over Sebastian's mental health while grading Third year Homework , gaining him an utterly awful migraine and putting him in a bad mood.
Draco's POV

I can take care of you (under editing) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora