Chapter 20: A Murder and a Vision

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It was late that night when Sebastian and Draco were summoned to the infirmary once more, along with the rest of their friends.

Destiel had taken a turn for the worse and was being transported to St. Mungo's hospital.

They'd come to see him off. The black veins had spread to the rest of his body, giving him a corpse like appearance. His skin was grey ash and he could no longer open his eyes. His lips were tinted blue like death.

Adrien and Izora sobbed, clinging to each other for comfort as Destiel was lifted onto a stretcher and taken away.

That night Sebastian struggled to sleep and he wasn't the only one. Adrien was hugging his knees, crying.

Blaise and Draco looked pensive.

"Would you like a hug Adrien?" Sebastian offered, wanting to ease the boy's distress.

Adrien nodded and scurried over to the dark haired omega. Burrowing his face into Sebastian's shoulder as he cried. Sebastian sat there rubbing his back, and Draco and Blaise soon came over to join the hug.

"Destiel will be okay, he's strong, and he's in the best wizarding hospital, they'll have him back to normal in no time." Blaise assured, lightly patting Adrien's head.

"I can't help b-but worry though...he looked so sick..." Adrien whispered shakily.

"I understand how you feel, every time Sebastian is in the infirmary, I feel like someone is stabbing me in the chest. Even if I know he's going to be okay." Draco murmured.

Sebastian nodded in agreement. "I feel that way too. It's natural because we love them."

Adrien sniffled. "I hate it, I hate being scared that he might die." He whimpered. "Why would Dumbledore put his students in danger like this! School is supposed to be safe!" He hiccuped in distressed.

"I know, it's supposed to be a constructive learning environment, but Dumbledore is a bastard, he doesn't care about how wrong it is, he knows he can get away with it because he's powerful. We'll put a stop to it though, I promise we will." Sebastian whispered, ruffling Adrien's hair.

"We should try and get some sleep. We still have lessons in the morning." Blaise reasoned as he removed himself from the hug and elegantly slid into bed.

"I suppose you're right." Draco murmured, he kissed Sebastian's forehead before detangling himself to do his long bed time routine which included half an hour of skin care.

Sebastian watched him fondly before giving Adrien a finale squeeze. "Try and get some sleep okay?"

Adrien sniffled, dabbing at his eyes and nodded. "Thank you for comforting me, I've never had friends before...people always told me to stop acting like a baby if i cried."

Sebastian shook his head. "Emotions aren't something to be ashamed of. You have us now, so don't worry what others think."

Adrien nodded and went to bed, he eventually fell asleep leaving just Sebastian. He laid there, looking over at Draco who was three quarters of the way asleep. Small slivers of silver peeking out through his eyelashes before disappearing aa he gave into sleep.

Sebastian sighed quietly and looked up at the ceiling, willing his body to shut down like everyone else. A cold gust blew through the window and Sebastian shivered, pulling the pleated green satin quilt around him.

Sebastian fell into a fitful sleep plagued by visions.

"Sal, where are we even going?" A voice asked, it belonged to a young man with light brown hair, he was tall and regal, swathed in in a red and gold cloak. A sword embedded with rubies glittered at his side, strapped into a sheath at his hip. Black riding boots strode through leaf litter as he followed another man.

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