Hamgelica/ Hamliza || Secret

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"I see. But you better start settling down soon before it's too late." He'd shrug. "Not that you have to rush but we don't get younger here." He'd chuckle but felt like he said a little too much.

"Ah, Well, Im afraid, Mr. Charmer, It is hard to find someone to trust." She reminded, sighing softly. "My dear sister is very lucky..." She shook her head, she had the same opportunity but she was too immature, she'd changed.

"I suppose she is, but the one who is lucky to have her, she is my first family in a way."

"Then consider yourself blessed." She merely stated, sipping her tea. Eliza looked as if she was almost 'bored' by his conversation, Dont express emotion, dont get caught. Something she showed herself.

"Well, anything exciting happen lately?"

"Mr Jefferson visited father." She said, nearly beaming. "My goodness, He is very much a flirt." She added, small laugh escaping her mouth.

He'd roll his eyes and groaned. "Sure is, even if he is married with a child." He'd shake his head and sip his tea.

"Dear me, Ever the man." She joked, sipping her tea lightly.

"I work with him everyday, he may be a sweet talker but not the brightest."

"Very confident, Are we Mr. Hamilton?"

"I am." He'd nod and sip his tea.

"Anything exciting with you?" She reflected his earlier question.

"No, no not really. Angelica has been helping me with some work things but that's it." He'd shrug.

"Miss living dear life on the edge?" She let a small smirk play on her face.

He'd chuckle. "Pfft."

"No, Please, Entertain me, Im finding this little, gossip rather dull." She laughed, sipping her tea.

"There's really much more to say but we have trying to have child of our own. I'm not sure if Angelica told you but she had a miscarriage last fall.. We didn't know she was pregnant but a day before.." He'd sip his tea again and looked at the ground.

"Oh. Dear me, my apologies, Mr. Hamilton." She offered a soft smile, before pressing her lips into a thin line.

"It's alright.. After that she now doesn't know if she's ready for a family, she's scared that it will happen again but we could always adopt a child at the orphanage if it came down to it."

Eliza nodded in agreement. "She is very strong Alexander, You will get your family, just be patient." She instructed, sipping her tea and edging in her seat a little.

"I would love to have my son already but i'll wait if it makes Angelica happy. And yes, i need to be patient." He'd nod and looked back up to her.

Eliza just softly smiled. "Ever the man." She repeated, noticing his confidence within the wish of being blessed with a son.

He'd chuckle. "I haven't been out drinking since the war, maybe something stronger could make this party more interesting if that's alright with you?" He'd set his tea cup down and went over by the wine cabinet.

"You are weighing all the blame if Angelica is upset we started without her." Eliza stated, finishing her tea and standing up, Joining him by the cabinet.

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