"Jai told me. A lot has been going on, huh?"

"You could say that." Bridget tightened her hold on her. "I really hate to admit that we did, but all of us were thinking the worst after we watched the darkness take over. And seeing it happen to you, all I could think about was that I'd lost you just like I lost Corliss. Even though we fought, I still loved her. I shouldn't have given up on her and I certainly wasn't going to give up on you and let history repeat itself. And maybe, just maybe, I would be redeemed for abandoning my sister when she needed me the most. Just with knowing that stone is still in you, I can't help but be scared. Scared that, even though you say you have a handle on it, something might happen."

Lyv shifted to sit up to look at her mother, whose eyes were misting over before she quickly swiped her fingers under them. Then she realized one thing they hadn't told her parents and grandparents the night before when they were talking.

"Jai's helping me keep control of it," she told her then. "I was already able to keep it under control, but with his help it's even easier than it was before."

Bridget looked like she was about to start crying again. "He is? You have to stop giving me things I need to thank him over and over for. I think he's going to get annoyed with me, especially when I don't plan on stopping even when all of this...even when all of this is over," she said before shaking her head. "When your father and I first knew we were mates and everyone around us began finding out, they all regarded us and made us known for being one of the most powerful mated pairs. Honesty, though? I think you and Jai have us beat."

Lyv couldn't help but smile, her thoughts drifting back to a night on Blackloch before Jai revealed the truth about Amory. A night when she finally gave into the pull toward him, an invisible force that drew them together no matter what she thought she'd be able to do once she met him in Dalcaine.

"Even before I knew the truth, I asked him if he wanted to conquer the world with me. I've always been ambitious, but I think it's more than relevant now."

"And I have no doubt in my mind you will, because you won't just have Jai with you, but all of us as well," Bridget told her, leaning forward to kiss her forehead.


Lyv and her mother stayed outside for another hour, just talking and catching up as they sat against the warmth and comfort of Roshan. By that time, Alberich had come downstairs into the kitchen to peek out at his mate and daughter with a steaming cup in hand. When Bridget called for him to join, he just shook his head, vowing to steal Lyv away for himself later that day. He didn't move when they started talking again, though, until Gideon appeared.

"Do you want to join us since Alberich just seems content with staring instead of talking?" Bridget called out to him with a bright smile.

"I've actually come to steal Lyv away if I can," Gideon answered as he walked toward them. Roshan lifted his head only slightly to get some loving from him before putting his head back down. "I want to before Jai wakes up since we all know they'll more than likely be locked up in their room the whole time we're here. He's never been too keen on sharing, especially when it comes to something he loves."

"Gideon, shut up, would you?" Lyv mumbled, pushing against Roshan's side to stand. "You talk way too much. And about things you shouldn't, especially when it's my parents you're talking to."

"Hey, they should be excited to have a prospective grandchild on the way sooner rather than later with how you two go at it whenever you can..."

Lyv sent a flicker of magic in his direction, stopping him from saying anything else. When he tried and no sound came out, his eyes narrowed at her as she grinned.

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