He nodded, understanding what I meant. "I just want us to return to normal. I mean, we're getting married next month. We can't have that kind of tension between us for our entire marriage."

I agreed with him. "All is forgiven?"

He nodded and smiled. I felt a weight being removed from my shoulders. I'm glad we're able to just leave what happened last Saturday in the past. It happened and I have to learn to live with it.

A little while after, the waitress came back, balancing the trays that held our lunch. She placed our food on the table and left after telling us to call her for the bill.

Then we dug in.

"The Gala is in two weeks. Have you gotten your dress?" Adrien inquired, putting a French fry in his mouth.

"I haven't gotten one yet. I'm still wondering if I should make one or just buy one," I took a sip of my milkshake. I loved the milkshakes here. It was the only drink I bought everytime I chose to eat here. "But then I don't have any time to make one because I have a lot of catching up on to do at work." I mentally facepalmed. I shouldn't have taken the week off, now all the work has piled up and I have to finish them all before Friday.

"So just buy one," He suggested.

"But that means I have to walk around a lot and I can't be bothered," I moaned, placing my head on the table.

Adrien chuckled. "You're so lazy."

I lifted my head and stuck my tongue out at him.

This was nice. Adrien hasn't always been my favorite person in the world, but now he's a bit tolerable. I still don't like him though. He's just nice to talk to, but I still don't like him.

"How about you go dress shopping with me on Saturday?" I asked, not looking at him. I don't want him to think I enjoy his company. Because I definitely do not! "Alya's going abroad tomorrow and she won't be back until next week. The only other friend I have is Nathaniel, but he's not my favourite person to go out with. So..."

"I'm your last pick?" He asked, placing his hand on his chest in fake hurt. I rolled my eyes. "You wound me, princess."


"Are you coming with me or not?" I whined. He was so difficult sometimes.

He smiled. "Sure." He then checked his watch and pulled out his wallet. "I have a photoshoot in ten minutes."

"Oh," Was all I said then frowned when I saw him start to take money out of his wallet. "What are you doing?"

He looked confused. "I'm paying. Duh."

"Like hell you are," I pulled out my purse. "I invited you here, so I'm paying."

He laughed and patted my head. "Very funny."

"I'm serious!"

"Sure you are," He called over the waitress and she gave him the bill. When I tried to take it from him, he moved and pushed the money inside before returning it to the girl. She cleared the table before thanking us for coming and walking away.

"You're such a guy!" I pouted, standing up, him following my lead.

I started to walk to the door, him trailing behind me. "What's that supposed to mean?"

I didn't answer. We stepped out of the building and the sun immediately started to pelt down on me. I was fighting the urge to go back inside to soak in the AC.

"Want me to take you back?" He asked, pulling out his car keys.

I shook my head. "The building is just around the corner and it's not even a two minute walk," I said, running my fingers through my hair. "Plus I need the exercise. Which reminds me, I need to hit the gym." I haven't been to the gym in months. It's been a while since I've found a good gym.

"I'm going to work out tonight. Want to tag along?" He asked with a smirk.

The mental image of Adrien working out is not something I want to see...

Okay, it is something I want to see, but I don't need to tell anyone that. "Sure. Time?"

"Around six."

I nodded before turning around. "See you tonight then." I heard him let out a sound if acknowledgement. We then went out separate ways.

When I was in the safety of my office, I let out a breath I definitely didn't know I was holding. Finally the burden of what happened last week wasn't weighing down my chest. I'm glad that I spoke to him and I'm glad that we can move past what happened...

* * * * *

Here's another chapter guys!

They finally made up, thank God! The tension was killing me...

Anyways, what are your thoughts?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll try to get the next one out as soon as possible. Until next time,

Bye bye little butterflies🦋🦋🦋.

Adrienette Arranged Marriage (Rewrite)✔Where stories live. Discover now