Chapter Four: Jake

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I ran through the front door when I arrived home. I don't know why I was in such a hurry because it was barely even three and she wouldn't be here for another half hour. I don't know. I felt an adrenaline rush suddenly. Almost immediately after we spoke about our history project.

"Whoa, slow down there, tiger," Paul said holding Anna while Cody watched me from the table where he was doing his homework as I jogged through the kitchen to the stairs. "Why the rush?"

"Someone's coming over and I really want to be prepared," I explained and quickly kissed Anna's forehead.

"Is it a girl?"

I looked at Paul in annoyance. "Technically."


I groaned. "Okay. It's this girl named Marissa and we are working on a history project together. By the way, is it okay if I borrow some of your books and DVDs?"

He nodded. "I don't see why not." He smirked for a moment. "Do you like this girl?"

"Paul!" I groaned loudly. "We're just partners. And, she has a boyfriend anyway."

"Jacob has a girlfriend," Cody sang mockingly.

"Shut up, Cody," I warned.

"I think you like her," Paul said ignoring Cody's remark.

"I don't."

He chuckled and motioned his head to the stairs. "Go. And, don't forget protection."

"You better not act weird when she gets here."

He laughed. "I have to. It's in the Dad Code."

I groaned and ran to and up the stairs. Pushing open my door, I effortlessly slammed it behind me. I pulled off my shirt and grabbed a button-down collar baby blue shirt from my dresser and put it on. I didn't bother buttoning it up as I went through my drawers and grabbed a clean pair of jeans. I don't know why I wanted to look nice. I even re-combed my hair. I never do this for other people. Not even past girlfriends.

I stopped my rush when I caught my reflection in the closet door mirror. A full body image of me just in my black boxer briefs and a shirt that wasn't buttoned up. I couldn't help but push the shirt back slightly and stare at the scar on the side of my abdomen. My eyes drifted down the mirror and landed upon the scar on my left calve. I hate these scars. Every time I look at them, I instantly see the image of my mom's ex-boyfriend throwing a beer bottle at me. As long as I keep the scars covered, I can avoid all questions. I found myself snapping at the therapeutic black rubber band on my wrist, letting it leave a pink ring on my skin. I quickly pulled on the clean pair of jeans and grabbed my belt from the other jean's loops and slid it through the loops of the clean pair.

I buttoned up as I left my room and headed to Paul's den down the hall. It has a work desk with a giant wall-lengthen bookshelf behind it. I walked over to where I knew he placed the books that had to do with Pearl Harbor. I ended up pulling several books from the shelf and dropped them on my bed the moment I entered my room before heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on a new layer of deodorant.

Right as I went back to my room and started grabbing the books, the front doorbell rang. I grabbed the books and ran down stairs to the kitchen, plopping them all on the kitchen table before jogging over to the front door.

"Why, don't you look handsome. All for a girl you don't like," Paul said as he fed Anna in her highchair.

"Shut up." I looked at the door as I walked down the hall. Her silhouette clear in the oval door window. I ran a hand through my hair to get it to stay back. I took in a deep breath and let it out before opening up the door.

Unexpected (Published and edited edition)-SAMPLENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ