Chapter One: Marissa

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I was awoken to the sound of Britney Spears' voice coming through the speakers of my cellphone. Each passing day, I regret more and more having set my alarm sound to Oops, I Did It Again. I should really change that. I was obsessed with that song when I first set it as my alarm tone. Now, I outgrew it and needed a change. When I finally change it, I'll set Ariana Grande as my alarm sound instead. I can listen to her music all day.

I turned over in my bed with a groan to turn the alarm off on my phone. That Britney song has been stuck in my head a lot recently. Which is one of the many reasons I need to change it ASAP. I hate mornings, especially weekday mornings when I have to get up early for school. It's not like it was any big deal. It was just school. Only it was a Monday. I seriously have a poster in my room that reads "I hate Mondays" in big, bold neon letters.

"Honey, you have to get ready for school!" I heard my mom call out to me from down the stairs. I wouldn't be surprised if I went down there to see her in her black blazer with a cup of coffee in her hand. More specifically, a white, medium sized mug that looks as if it was never used. My mom is an absolute neat freak and got us a housekeeper a few years earlier to make sure the house is always nice and tidy for when she gets home. My dad is always on business trips and my mom works long hours six days a week. Which means I had a lot of time for myself. I usually spend that time with my boyfriend, Shawn. We've been dating since the spring of our junior year. It's September of senior year now. People could say we are pretty serious at the moment.

I quickly got dressed into a maroon tank top along with a navy-blue hoodie that was unzipped halfway down. I pulled on a dark blue pair of skinny jeans and put on my makeup. I am someone who showers at night and not in the morning because it saves a lot of time.

I walked downstairs to see our housekeeper making breakfast and my mom sitting at the table, on her phone. Of course, she was in her black blazer and drinking out of a white, medium sized coffee mug that looked like it was never used.

Our housekeeper, Lynda, handed me a plate of pancakes and eggs along with a glass of orange juice. I sat down across from my mom and began eating. But, just as quickly as I sat down, my mom stood up and gave Lynda her mug. "I've got a meeting this afternoon so I'll be home late," Mom informed.

I continued eating. Since when is she ever early coming home anyway?

My mom said a quick goodbye to us before grabbing her briefcase and storming out of the house. No "I love you" or "Have a nice day at school." She just left.

"What would you like for dinner tonight?" Lynda asked me.

I shook my head and stood up with my empty plate and brought it to the sink to clean it myself. I always help Lynda out because I know she works herself dry and could use it every now and then. "I might just pick something up. Beck's having a party tonight."

She looked surprised. "On a Monday?" I just shrugged. "Will there at least be an adult supervising the party?"

"Beck's brother is in college and will be there."

She placed my plate on the rack beside the sink after I was done cleaning it. "Okay. But if there's any trouble just come home. Just be careful."

I nodded. "Will do, Lyns." I gave her a hug. She has always been like a mom to me. "See you later." I picked up my book bag from the foyer and got ready to leave the house.

"Have a nice day," Lynda called out.

"Thank you." I threw my book bag over my shoulder and grabbed my car keys from the key rack beside the door.

I walked to my car in no hurry. I was never in a rush to get to school. I just wanted to be there by the second bell calling to first period. I was careful to drive the speed limit. My mom freaked when I got one traffic ticket and said that the next time I got one I'll have to pay for it myself. Let me say, those things are expensive.

By the time I got to school, most students were already in the building except for the pot heads who couldn't care less about getting an education.

The one flaw for not showing up to school early is that it's extremely hard to find a parking space. I had to park at the end of the lot which was the furthest away from the school. Good thing it wasn't too hot or else I'd be a sweating mess.

My boyfriend was waiting at the entrance for me when I got there. He chuckled when he saw that I was getting cold. He was dressed for the weather. Unlike me who decided only to wear a thin hoodie. He had on a beanie, fingerless gloves, and a leather jacket with the fluff on the inside.

"What did I tell you? Don't be late in this weather," he said and opened the door for me.

"Drop it."

He just laughed and followed me into the school. Most students were already in class or finishing putting things in their lockers. I never bother going to my locker. We're allowed to carry our book bags around with us and I don't carry much. Shawn grabbed my hand. "Wow. Your hands are wicked cold, babe."

"Don't remind me."

"You're still going to Beck's party, right?"

I nodded. "Absolutely."

He grinned. "We're going to have so much fun."

I laughed and leaned my head into his shoulder.

Shawn ignored me when he saw his friends coming over and screamed out to them as they did the same. I always admired when he's affectionate towards me, but once I'm affectionate towards him out of the blue, he shoves it off. He lets me rest my head on his shoulder like this and allows me to touch him, but once we're around his friends, it's as if I'm not even there.

"What's up, man?" they all greeted each other. I stepped away to let them talk. They started talking about some football game that was on during the weekend. I'm not really into sports and I had no idea what they were saying.

"We should totally meet up this weekend to watch the game!" Shawn said to his friends. They all started cheering.

"I'm heading to class," I said but they still ignored me. Even when I gave Shawn a kiss on the cheek. All he did was turn to give me a quick peck on the lips and then went back to his conversation. He only did that to show off and get a reaction from his friends. He never did it because he felt the urge to. I love him and he loves me but sometimes it feels like our relationship is more built on physical attraction.

I wasn't exactly in the greatest mood when I got to class. Shawn seemed to care more about football than he did about me. He sure knows how to make a girl feel special. Note the sarcasm.

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