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I was born in a messed up century
My favorite flavored sweets are raspberry
I bought a car Beretta age sixteen
I brush my teeth with bleach
Cause i ain't got time for cavities 

Billy danced around at a party, he laughed and drank with ‘friends’ and kissed a shit ton of girls.

The music lowered for a quick second, “my old mans coming home!” someone yelled “yall have to leave!” the whole house shook of moans and groans of protest, the boy tried his best to calm everyone down, but failed miserably.

“This is a messed up century!” someone yelled, it really didn't make much sense but they were drunk, give them credit.

Bill rolled his eyes, no way he was going home so drunk, his dad would beat the shit and piss out of him, so he did the only thing he could think of, he sat down and waited, for what? He didn't really know.

Billy's car was outside, unlocked, parked in the yard, and there was no way he was going to drive his precious baby when drunk, sure he did it a million times, but he was surely not going to do it now.

“Ok guys false alarm!” the boy shouted, cheers emerged from the sea of drunk teens, Billy was somewhat relieved that he didn't have to go home so early.

After some time the party died down, most were up stairs banging, or had just fallen asleep, Billy sat on the couch and with much complaining got up to go to the bathroom, on his way there he saw many teens just laying on the floor, some were asleep, some were just too drunk to get up, one was literally crying and saying her mom was going to kill her.

Once Billy got to the bathroom, he saw what looked like a bottle of bleach, he thought for a minute, then smiled, looked into the mirror and opened his mouth, “what if I clean my teeth with bleach?” he thought, he laughed and shook his head, but the thought still remain in his mind.

He stayed in the bathroom for a while, someone was on the other side begging to get in, Billy still looked in the mirror and finally gave up and opened the door, Nancy pushed past him and slammed the door, Billy thought for a minute, then shrugged his shoulders and left for the living room.

My daddy put a gun to my head
Said if you kiss a boy, im gonna shoot you dead
So I tied him up with gaffer tape and I locked him in a shed
Then I went out to the garden and i fucked my best friend

Billy saw many many girls taking off their shirts, he smiled and watched, they didn't seem to mind.

Billy must have spaced out for a while because when he woke up he was laying on the floor, the music still loud, drunk teens still laid out on the floor, his head hurt like hell.

Billy got up and fell back down, he didn't know what to do, so he just stayed there for a bit, wondering who was laying next to him, some boy with his shirt off, Billy didn't mind, he just wanted to leave.

Billy sat up and thought for a moment, not really fully there, he got up and started walking to the couch.

Billy sat next to a boy, Steve Harrington was the boy, Steve looked to Billy annoyed, “what do you want billy?” he asked scooting over, “can i just sit down?” asked Billy slurring his words.

Steve rolled his eyes and patted the seat next to him, Billy gladly sat down, he looked over to Steve and put his hand on his face, Steve looked to Billy and put his hand on Billys,Steve was in fact drunk as a skunk.

“Wanna makeout?” asked Billy staring into Steve's eyes, the boy shrugged and leaned in for the kiss, Billy to leaned in and they shared a not so great kiss, they were more like 2nd graders having their first kiss, it waa not very romantic.

Steve put his hand on Billys head pushing him towers him more, Billys put his hand on Steves thigh and leaned in himself.

Steve moaned into the kiss, and suddenly realized what they were doing, all though he was drunk as a skunk he still was somewhat there, he pushed Billy away and thought for a moment, “man if my parents found out i was kissing a boy” he thought more, he looked into Billy's eyes, and shrugged meantely, “not like i care” and continued kissing.

The kiss got more heated and they soon were trying to take each others clothes off, Billy picked up Steve and brought him into the bathroom, the outdoor bathroom, yeah the one inside was taken...oh well.

Drop a toaster in my bath, watch my mum and dad laugh
See a thousand volts go through the son they wish they never had
They told me casual affection leads to sexual inflection
But it's hard to get an erection when your so used to rejection
Yeah the teacher fucked the preacher, but then he had to leave her
Had to wash away the sins of a male cheerleader
“Hi! Nice to meet ya,” got nothing to believe in
So let me know when my breathing stops

(the next day)

Billy somehow got home, his head was pounding and hurting, he opened the door to his house and froze, his father was home.

Billy braced himself for the yelling and punching, Neil came closer and breathed hot air in Billys face, “where were you?” he asked.

Billy shook his head, “no were” Neil looked back, then slammed Billy into the front door.

Billy grabbed his head from pain and let out a tear or two, “where's your god damn car?!” Neil yelled, Billy sniffled “still at the party” he said weakly.

Neil smiled a nasty smile, “so you were at a party” he said nastly, Billy nodded slowly, Neil got Billy off the floor and walked him to his room, he layed Billy on his bed and closed the door to his sons room, “your taking max to school today, rember” and with that he slammed the door leaving Billy alone with his tears.

One or two hours later there was a knock on Billys door, he rolled off his bed and wiped his tears before opening it, Max stood there with a worried look, “it's time for school” she said nervously, Billy closed the door and got his jacket.

“Where's your car?” Max asked confused, “still at that party” he said dully, “my friends gonna pick us up” Max nodded and waited with Billy on the front porch.

Once Billy's friends arrived he and Max sat in the back seat, the friend was a blond girl and you could tell she had a thing for Billy. 

Once at school Billy said the same thing he always said and Max left feeling even more confused, Billy asked to go to that party and get his car, the girl obliged and dropped Billy off to get it.

Billy got into the car, he breathed heavily and started the ignition, thankfully no one had stolen the keys, Billy waited for a bit before leaving for school as well, he was very late, but at that moment, he didn't care at all.

Once a school he got a look at the new cheerleaders, one of whom was a boy, skinny small and could pass as a girl, Billy shrugged and went into the school biluting and into his 3rd class.

Tik tock, stop the clock
Because I got the feeling that i'm gonna get shot

The school bell rang and students left for home, Billy ran into Steve, Steve didn't even look at Billy, Billy didn't know whether to get mad, or to just keep going. 

Steve cursed himself for even going to that party, he cursed himself for drinking and sleeping with the king of school, if Billy rembered Steve was sure he would tell everyone he was a hoe or just a fag.

Oddly enough Billy never rembered that night, and before long he and Steve became frineds, Steve nevr talked about it.

Billy was left clueless when they shared there first ‘kiss’ and first time...\

Steve still didnt metion it and Billy was still very confused on why Steve was so weird on talking about that party…

I guess Billy will never know...

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