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Gazing through the window at the world outside
Wondering will Mother Earth survive
Hoping that mankind will stop abusing her, sometime

After the fight with Billy, Billy soon got better he was not longer the mind flayer, Billy had decided he wanted to go back to Cali, he had asked Steve to go with him, Steve agreed after a while, they packed there bags, got in Billys car, and went off.
Thoughts went though Steves head when they went off on the road, they past cattle, Steve happened to spot some hunters, now Steve was a softy for animals, so seeing this mad him a bit upset, he wondered how someone could do that to a poor bunny or dear, just a couple minutes before, he seen people cutting down trees, he wished they didnt do that! Billy had noticed how quite Steve was "dont worry, not all hunters kill such 'innocent creatures'" you could tell he was being sarcastic, but the thought made Steve feel a little bit better. They continued the trip, Steve still wondering why some people could be so cruel.

After all there's only just the two of us
And here we are still fighting for our lives
Watching all of history repeat itself, Time After Time

They soon arrived in Cali, Steve liked the way it looked, you have to admit it really was beautiful, the ocean, the beach, Billy seemed happier, he was smiling, "I bet you cant surf without getting your hair wet" Billy smirked, Steve smirked back "oh yeah!" "Yeah!" Steve looked at the water then back to Billy, " I bet i can!" Billy chuckled "your on Harrington!" After a while Steve lost the bet, man was Billy happy about that! When they had gone to the hotel Billy had told Steve about is mother, all the fun they had, the night was soon over, Billy had gotten very upset, Steve understood he too would have been upset if he went though what Billy had gone though.

I'm just a dreamer, I dream my life away
I'm just a dreamer who dreams of better days

That night when Billy soon fell asleep, he dreamt of his mother, nice happy dreams so turned into nightmares, tossing and turning woke up Steve, Billy was soon letting out soft sobs, Steve woke him up and held him tight for the rest of the night, Billy didnt like showing this side of him but with Steve he could let lose, he could cry, yell, and smile, he had told Steve about his dreams and Steve had suggested going to his mother's grave to say hello, Billy was very hesitant but agreed that maybe it would be better to see her again, he did want to go by himself, so Steve stayed at the hotel, when Billy came back he wanted to take Steve, they went and soon Billy felt much better.

I watch the sun go down like everyone of us
I'm hoping that the dawn will bring a sign
A better place for those who will come after us, this time

Soon the sun went down, the night around the corner, Billy had taken Steve to a restaurant him and his mother used to eat at, the food was delicious, after that they went to the park, even at night Cali was surely beautiful, Billy and Steve had went back to there hotel around midnight, can you guess what they did?

Your higher power maybe God or Jesus Christ
It doesn't really matter much to me
Without each other's help there ain't no hope for us
I'm Living in a Dream a fantasy, oh yeah yeah yeah

Billy and Steve soon decided that it was time to go home, they got in the car and went back to the road, Billy had gotten very emotional when in Cali, even more so when they headed back to Hawkins, Steve had to keep reminding Billy that it wasnt good bye forever and they could very easily come back, Billy for the most part stayed quite, Steve still looking out the windows just like before realised something, "Billy its going to be alright ok" Billy didnt answer but did a sigh to show he was listening, "its going to be ok, its just me and you, you dont need to worry about your father anymore, its just me you and the kids" Billy looked at Steve and sighed "so, your still mama Steve?" Steve smiled "of course, but im still yours as well" Billy smiled "of course, and dont worry about me ok?" Steve smirked "its hard not to" they both started to laugh, the rest of the time they talked, Billy made fun of Steve for being a mom, and Steve made fun of Billy for being in love with said mom.

If only we could all just find serenity
It would be nice if we could live as one
When will all this anger, hate and bigotry be gone?

Needless to say when they got back, people were mad about what happened at the mall, they wanted Billy out of the town saying that he was a monster, this got Billy angry, Steve tried his best to help but after a while Billy just wanted to be alone, it also didnt help that the kids said he was still the bad guy and they didnt want Steve to get hurt, Robin supported them and was more than happy to help if she could, Dustin understood that Steve and Billy were a thing and they loved each other very much and also supported them.

Im just a dreamer, I dream my life away (today)
Im just a dreamer, who dreams of better days (okay)
Im just a dreamer, whos searching for the way (today)
Im just a dreamer, dreaming my life away (oh yeah yeah yeah)

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