.1 Three, Two, Snap

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I pull my red and black checkered skirt up to my waist and lift the black lace top over my head before it slips down my body and clings to my skin. Curling my fingers around the top of my over the knee black and red stripped socks, I tug them up to half way up my thigh.

Then I turn to the mirror, taking out my eyeliner and dotting three small black dots next to each eye. I drag my hairbrush through my brown hair with a new red highlight in it and smile at the finished product in my mirror.

My bag is empty except for a pack of cards and a smoke bomb along with the accessories for this new trick I've been working on for months.

The school looks better than the old one I went to in Boston. I lean against the brick wall of a building opposite, watching all of the students with questionable outfit choices file inside the two main doors.

And once they're all inside, I proceed to walk in at the sound of the bell.

The hallways are plain, just a few posters and and bland blue lockers.

I run my fingers along all of them, slowly walking through the empty halls. Until I see a man wearing a long sleeved pink shirt and blue jeans.

He scans my body subtly but I see him and feel a smirk tugging at my lips.

"Are you new?" he asks, suddenly uninterested. I walk all the way up to him, taking myself away from the lockers.

"Yes. Nina Flare." I say calmly while I stare at him consistently, never taking my eyes from his face. My mission to make him uncomfortable is definitely working.

"Of course, let me show you to your first class." he murmurs awkwardly and guides me down the hall.

He opens the door to a classroom and steps inside. I swing my bag off of my shoulder and take out a piece of bubble gum to calm my nerves.

"Hello class, I would like to introduce you to your new student, Nina Flare." the words roll off of his lips as he gestures to me. I walk right in and lean against the wall behind me, blowing a pink bubble and licking it off of my lips clean.

The students all seem to be fascinated by me as if I am some kind of ex convict joining their class.

One boy near the back stops shuffling a pack of cards and stares at me. I flick my eyes to some others, another boy with perfect hair who Ive definitely seen before. And by his expression, he vaguely remembers me to.

A girl with overalls drops her jaw at my outfit, obviously contemplating whether we should enforce a dress code to prevent my 'type'.

"Hey." I say while gazing at a boy with a small moustache already appearing above his top lip.

I sit down on a desk right at the back, feeling all sets of eyes following me as I do so. Turning my head to the left, I see a girl with red hair tied into a ponytail suddenly look away from me. I chuckle and take a pack of cards out of my bag and start shuffling.

The old teacher at the front is talking about her married life so there's not much to pay attention to.

The bell rings eventually, instantly bringing all of the students out of their bored states and to their feet.

"Hey." an oddly low and scratchy voice says from behind me and I turn to see the boy with cards. I hadn't noticed that his eyebrows are slowly attempting to merge yet his shirt looks like he's never once washed it. Yet he doesn't look horrible.

"Hey." I reply and start to walk out. He follows and I smile to myself.

"You like card tricks? I uh.. saw you doing them." he says nervously and proceeds to follow me to the principles office where I'm going to get my locker number.

"Yeah, I do magic." I smile and he makes some kind of sharp breath-grunt noise before straightening himself out.

I close the principles door in his face and get my number and my classes before opening it again to see he still hasn't moved.

"Prove it." he crosses his arms and I stop in my tracks.

"Okay." my voice may sound confident but I'm nervous as I walk into the crowd and pick out my subject.

He has a lot of hair which is quite amusing considering how short he is. I walk right up to him and glance at the other people standing around him.

I reach into my bag and enable the trick, turning away from everyone as I do so.

"What's your name?" I say innocently at his bewildered face.

"Uh.. um." his voice cracks and goes insanely high before coughs and lowers it ridiculously, "Nick."

I nod and place my hand on his shoulder which makes him freeze. I turn around and pick the unibrow kid.

"Stalker. Count down from three." I point at him and he scratches his neck nervously before doing so.

"Sorry." I whisper to Nick.

"Three, Two.."

"Snap." I say as I click my fingers and a cloud of smoke appears, covering the small boy completely. When the smoke clears, gasps sound as the boy is no longer there.

"Woah." the girl with the ponytail awes as I put my hand behind my ear and listen to muffled yells from my new locker.

I go to open it and hear the stalker boy murmur "no way" before the boy is revealed inside of my locker and jumps out.

People clap and I smirk proudly.

"Can you teach me that?" the husky voice says as unibrow appears next to me.

"Okay. I'll be at your house tomorrow." I decide out-loud and stroll towards my next class.

"Wait.. how do you know where I live?"

This boy.

"Magicians secret." I whisper while putting my finger against his lips. His eyes widen and I laugh, moving away.

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