Chapter Six

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Diana made her way to the car, as she fastened her seat belt. The knock on her wheelscreen, made her vibrate.

"Greg! Need a ride?" She asked.

He smiled and opened the door. Fully seated, he glared at Diana, who seemed lost in her thoughts.

"Mind if I drive? You seem lost." Greg said.

"Please do." She pleaded as they exchanged seats. Greg gave her a final glance before driving off.


An hour later, Greg pulled over at Diana's house.

"Wanna tell me what's wrong?" Greg asked.

"Actually we might have a clue as to the identity of Tasha's killer." Diana completed.

"That's good." Greg complimented.

"But it's a she not a he." She blurted out.

With an amazed look.
"A female? Wow! Jealousy is definitely involved." Greg splashed out.

Diana who was carefully observing her house, noticed two shadows, walking down the street towards a car parked in front of her house.

She tapped Greg, who seemed carried away with his speech.

"Hey Greg! Something is wrong." She landed with fear.

She pointed towards the car and it became crystal clear to Greg that something was definitely wrong.

They both fetched their revolvers, as they stepped out and hid behind the car.

"She's not home." One of the armed men voiced out feeling irritated. Diana noticed a hand hanging on the car's window. A silver light shone from her wrist(a bead).

"Could that be her killer?" Diana asked herself quietly.
She watched as the man hopped in and drove off.

Diana got up fiercely and ran towards her apartment. Grey pulled her harshly by her wrist towards his chest.

"Look at me! Calm the fuck down." He yelled at Diana who kept trying to break free.

"This is no time to show your karate skills." He said lifting Diana on his shoulder forcefully.

"Put me down." She screamed as Greg pushed her into the car and drove off.


Greg drove into his compound and parked his car properly into the garage. Diana pushed the door open and bounced into Greg's abode. Greg who knew what he was in for, followed suit calmly. Diana sat on the couch, shaking her knees rigorously.

Greg dashed into the kitchen to fetch her a glass of cold water. After gulping it down, she cleared her throat.

"I wish the damn bitch stepped outta the car." She said.

"You don't fight a criminal Diana. Think clearly." Greg said undoing his buttons.

"You're right. I need to increase my speed on this investigation." Diana said. Greg who seemed tired, went out of sight.

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