"You catch on quick," Lena grinned widely as she stepped out of the elevator with Jess in tow and strode to her office. She smiled that very bright smile that refused to leave her face at Hector, who gave her a hesitant look before grimacing at the scowl he received from Jess. When they were right in front of the office and out of earshot from the assistant, Jess stopped Lena from stepping inside.

"Okay seriously, what's going on? Are you high?"

Lena snorted, the impertinence that would usually annoy her now only giving her the giggles. "Can't I just be in a good mood? Yesterday was just a very good day." She kept smiling that overly bright smile, while Jess seemed unimpressed.

"You got arrested," Jess remarked dryly.

"Yeah, but karaoke night was fun."

"Right," Jess drawled as she squinted her eyes, then shrugged. "Well, I guess it's good you can be this happy even without Ms. Danvers around."

Lena did absolutely not want to squirm and giggle and blush at the mere mention of her girlfriend, but alas, that's exactly what happened. Jess frowned at her again, then went wide-eyed as she looked her over.

"Oh my god," Jess drawled, her jaw dropping in an uncharacteristic foregoing of her professionalism. "You're wearing last night's clothes..." Her eyes met Lena's again, Jess's entire face lighting up as if she'd won the lottery, and Lena finally managed to get some of her corporate demeanour back.

"Jess," she pointed a warning finger at her CFO, Jess clasping her hands over her mouth as if she had to physically stop herself from blurting something out. "There will be no further comments on this matter."

Jess nodded to signify her understanding, her lips visibly pressed together as she motioned zipping her lips before holding her hands up defensively. Still looking as if she was putting an indescribable amount of effort into containing her excitement.

"Shouldn't you be headed to Kamp Pharmaceutics?" Lena pointedly asked.

"Mhm," Jess hummed, nodding vigorously with her lips still pressed together tightly and her eyes shining with barely contained enthusiasm. She turned around and walked towards the elevator, audibly squealing once she went past Hector's desk. The man frowned at her retreating form before looking back at Lena, who had to quickly wipe the silly grin from her face again. He looked thoroughly confused.

Lena turned around and stepped into her office, shutting the rest of the world out as she bit her lip and leaned back against the closed doors while staring at the floor, that stupid grin making its way back onto her lips again. It just couldn't be helped, she supposed. Today she was going to be happy.

"Happy to see me, Luthor?"

Or maybe not.

Lena lifted her head, the smile washing from her face as she was faced with none other than Roulette, who was giving her a condescending look as she stepped closer from her spot in front of the couch. If there was ever an effective way to evaporate her giddiness, this was certainly it.

"Roulette. I was under the impression you didn't appreciate my company," Lena hissed, her voice laced with ice and her eyes burning with contempt as she reluctantly stepped forward and into her own office.

"When it's unprompted, yes," Roulette showed a crooked smile, while Lena's anger and fear had now firmly brought her down from her previous state of bliss. "But I believe I also told you that you could be useful to me at some point."

Lena's insides turned to ice as she struggled to keep her cool mask in place, wondering if this was going to be it. If the ghostly woman was finally going to ask her to commit god knows what kind of atrocity and if Lena would have to finally use her watch to make sure Supergirl would 'conveniently' save the day.

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