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The whole world comes crumbling around the boys.

A few seconds ago they were fine but now, now the same thing can't be said.

Yoongi falls to his knees sobbing; Jimin does the same.

"Y-you can't be serious?" Jin says his voice wavering. "T-tae can't be dead.....right?"

Jin bursts into sobs along with the other boys. He can't stay strong knowing one of the people he loves has died.

The doctor looks at him weirdly.

"Who's Tae?" He asks.

"Taehyung? Kim Taehyung?" Jin says unsure why the doctor couldn't tell who he was.

"What are you talking about?" The doctor asks. "I don't know a Kim Taehyung"

All the boys look up at him in confusion.

"Then........who died?" Anabel asks.

"I'm sorry ma'am for your loss. Your son passed away a few minutes ago. The cuts he made on his wrist almost instantly killed him" the doctor says.

Anabel starts crying.

Jin does his role of a mother like figure and rubs Anabel's back.

"What about Tae?" Yoongi asks hopefully.

"I'll go check the records for him but he should be fine" the doctor says and bows. "Sorry for your loss Mrs Kim"

Jin looks behind him to see Hobie, Namjoon and Jungkook looking bewildered.

"Did we just hear that Tae is dead but not dead?" Namjoon asks cluelessly.

"We don't know if he has died but poor Anabel has lost her son" Jin says sympathetically.

Jungkook looks at Jimin who is crying with the lady in his arms. Both of them are sobbing; one from relief, the other from sorrow.

The doctor is quick to come back but it still gives Yoongi enough time to inform the boys of everything that happened, every last detail.

He's even crying by the end of it.

The doctor fake coughs to get all their attention. It works and all six of the boys look up at the doctor with hopeful eyes. Each one of them looking vunerable as if the information he has is a life or death situation.

"He's alive and is accepting visitors" he says.

All of the boys let out a sigh of relief. Tears roll down their cheeks.

"I'll allow you all to go in and see him as he could do with some warmth and company. He looks really sad"

"He's awake?" Yoongi asks eyes widened.

"Yeah. Fully awake although he won't talk to any of the staff. Maybe he will talk to you guys?"

"Has he hurt his vocal chords?" Jin asks.

"He has no signs of any of that. He might be too cold to speak or something but he should be fine" the doctor says.

"Alright we will be sure to go and cheer him up. What room is he in?" Jimin asks.

As soon as the doctor discloses the information of where Taehyung is being kept, Yoongi and Jimin sprint as fast as they possibly can to try and get to his room.

Yoongi needs to know he's alive. His boyfriend, Taehyung, who he thought was dead in his arms.

Jimin just wants to know his best friend is ok. Thoughts of him being dead feel surreal and actually is.

Both boys ram into the room startling a sleepy looking Taehyung.

His eyes widen.

Yoongi looks at the small innocent looking boy. He's wrapped up in a ball of blankets with only his head sticking out.

His skin is pale and smooth. His eyes are dull and almost lifeless but there is still sparks of hope in his shattered dreams.

He looks like he has given up trying to hide his pain. Or maybe his mask has broken so many times he can't fix it anymore.

He's shattered, that much is clear. And he's hopeless.

He looks like a 17 year old kid with little hope left. And really that's what he is.

Vunerable and scared. Very scared.

Tae tries to speak but nothing comes out besides a croak.

"Taehyung" Yoongi breaths.

Taehyung looks up at Yoongi and gives him a half hearted smile.

That was all it took for Yoongi to lunge at the small boy and hug him. Sobs escape his dry lips.

"Don't leave me Tae"

The Handsome Waiter//TaeGi 💜💜Where stories live. Discover now