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They steal Tae from me, ripping him out if my grasp.

"No!" I yell. "No don't take him away from me"

I know I might sound dramatic but he's my boyfriend. I can't let him get hurt.

He's in the best care, I know. I know I need to let him go but I can't. It hurts.

"You need to let go of him" a doctor tells me sternly.

"He's in critical condition" another doctor says.

I nod and let the doctors take him off of me. Then I fall onto my knees sobbing.

A few minutes later I feel strong arms wrapping around my shoulders.

"It's ok Yoongi" I hear Jin say.

His words only break me even more.

I feel him lifting me onto my feet but my legs are wobbling too much to allow me to walk.

His arms snake around my waste and he pulls me close to him chest, his nose resting against my neck making goosebumps coat my skin.

I turn myself around and look at Jin with broken eyes.

He wastes no time pulling me into his chest. I sob harshly allowing all my pain to be free.

I suffer from depression but that means nothing to me now. I don't feel depressed. I feel everything.

No pill can make me feel numb enough. I'm feeling everything and it's scary. Tae makes me feel things I haven't ever felt before. It's scary but I like the feelings.

I can't believe I might loose him. My sanity. My emotions.

Just the thought makes me curl up into Jin's arms even further.

"It's ok" he whispers to me. "I've got you"

I nod and sniffle as I try to control my breathing.

"I just want him to be ok" I whimper.

"He's going to be ok. We need to keep hope. We can't give up on him when he hasn't given up on us"

"Y-you're...........y-you're right" I stutter out as I try and regulate my breathing.

I hear clatter behind Jin and and a familiar shout.


I lift my head up and see an angry looking Jimin who's ready to pounce.

Once he sees me his anger turns into a softer expression. He still looks angry, but he also looks sorry for me.

I feel like Tae is dead the way people are looking at me and treating me. I don't want that to be my reality.

I want Tae to be my reality.

I remove myself from Jin's arms and Jimin runs over tackling me into a hug.

"W-we need to stay strong for him" Jimin says fear laced in his voice. "He didn't like it when anyone was sad"

*Third person pov*

Yoongi nods and pulls Jimin closer. He can feel Jimin crying in his arms. It makes him cry too.

People looking at the two boys sobbing in the corridor assume someone must have died.

A little old lady comes over. She places her hand on Jimin's arm and looks up at the two boys sorrowfully.

"I'm sorry for your loss kids. I bet they were an amazing friend" she smiles sadly.

Jin takes her arm off of Jimin and pulls her over to the side.

"He isn't dead. Please don't say something like that. They are all my best friends so that was quite hurtful to hear you say"

"Why are they being so dramatic. I bet their friend has got a paper cut" she says scoffing.

"What is your name?" Jin asks.


"Anabel please leave me and my friends be. Our friend is in a bad way, possibly dead. I don't want the others to feel down" Jin says responsibly.

Jin now knows how hard it's for Namjoon to be nice to people when they are being rude.


"Thank you for trying but it didn't work" Jin says looking over at the boys.

Jin was about to say something but a doctor cuts him up.

"Hello sir. I have some information to tell you and your family" the doctor says.

Jin calls over Yoongi and Jimin.

The doctor sighs.

"I'm sorry, he didn't make it. He died"

The Handsome Waiter//TaeGi 💜💜Where stories live. Discover now